StaffGuide: Web Services

Adding a New Database

Determine A-Z Status

  • For new ejournal or ebook collections, ask for feedback on whether an A-Z record is needed
  • Some Guidelines
    • If our subscription includes ALL content on a platform
    • If the platform is a subject-specific resource
    • If the resource is free and requested by a subject librarian*

In LibGuides A-Z

  • The Database Type "New" is set to allow us to pull a list of new resources. 
    • This is in addition to the New flag that can expire on a certain date and is a workaround for API issues. 
    • Usually make the "new" tag expire 1 year from addition. 
  • Resource Icons
    • Use the UofA logo for any subscription resource that requires authentication / campus IP
    • Use the globe for any open access resource
    • Use the VPN icon for any resources that require on-campus IP (no off-campus access)
    • Use the User icon for any resources that require individual accounts / registrations
    • Use the Arkansas icon for any State Library / Traveler-funded resources
    • Use the info icon to link to LibGuide help pages.
  • Database Name and Alternate Names
    • In general, try to use the name given on the resource
    • Use Acronyms if that is the common way to refer to a resource. 
      • Spell out any acronyms in alternate names (for instance ACS Journals > American Chemical Society Journals)
    • Add Alma collection names or alternate spellings to alternate titles << new A-Z will have an option for keywords or alternate spelling
  • Database URL
    • Should be Athenized unless one of the special platforms
    • TEST the URL from both on and off campus
      • Off-campus options: browser VPN or mobile data with phone or hotspot
  • Use Proxy? 
    • is always no
  • Window Target
    • leave as is
  • Friendly URL
    • In general make these ALLCAPS and  start with the vendor name, e.g. EBSCOMLA
  • Best Bets and Subjects
    • A resource can be one or the other in a subject, but not both
    • Best practice is to have no more than 2-3 Best Bets in a subject
    • Consult with subect librarians on listings
  • Description
    • If appropriate, start with Covers: [dates]. << this can be a custom field in new A-Z. 
    • Be succinct and use verbs such as covers, includes, offers, to avoid duplicating the resource name in the description,  Ideally, get the main point across in less than 250 characters.
    • Avoid using numbers as these are quickly outdated (for instance "Includes more than 500,000 images...)
    • Okay to use vendor blurbs but be careful of marketing claims such as "most comprehensive" or "most reliable." 
  • More Info
    • Avoid using this as it leads to clutter on guides. 
    • Used for funding support acknowledgements or registration instruction links. 
  • Library Review
    • not used at this tim
  • New and Trial Tags
    • See below for trial set ups.
    • Set New tags to expire after 1 year. 
    • Featured tags are not in use at this time. 
  • Permitted Use
    • not in use at this time
  • Internal note
    • used to store previous trial or cancellation information

In Other Systems

  • Check your work by visiting (New resources on the library home page)
  • *If you add a free resource as a new A-Z item, be sure to search LibGuides for any link assets and change them to the database; delete the link assets. 
  • In Alma, update the Resource Recommender for the new resource
    • Configuration > Discovery > Other > Resource Recommender Configuration  > Database
    • Key is shortcut URL from LibGuides, example EBSCOMLA
    • Description can only be 250 characters.  Keep it brief.
    • Tags are any text strings that you think the use might search under, separated by semicolons
    • Link  is the shortcut URL from LibGuides
    • Leave link text. Image URL, and Note blank
    • Delete ALL views and choose instead Law and UARK01 (generally)

Removing a Resource

In LibGuides A-Z

  • Mark the resource "hidden" and place an internal note about the cancellation and date. 

In Other Systems

  • Check LibGuides for any links to the friendly URL by using the Tools > Search and Replace function. 
    • These should not happen but they do.
  • Check LibAnswers for any links to the resource. 
  • Delete or make inactive any Alma Resource Recommender entries. 
  • If the resource was a very popular one, check with the Blackboard administrator ( on any links in the LMS. 

Routine Maintenace

Each Month

  • Check for any "new" or "trial" databases that need to have that type removed.
    • You do not need to remove the "trial" type from resources that were tralled and suppressed.
  • Check the Resource Recommender in Alma for any recently added or deleted resources to make sure they have been updated. 


Each Year

  • In August, request that subject librarians review the databases in their subject areas for any needed additions or corrections

Setting Up Trials in LibGuides A-Z

  1. Create a new database A-Z record (Content > A-Z Database List > Add Database)
  2. Be sure to make the database type = trial - this will ensure the item shows up in the Trials list (temporary workaround after API broken, 2023).
  3. Fill out the fields taking special care with Trial Resource and Expiration Dates. The resource will disappear from public view on the expiration date.
  4. Add  to the description the HTML for the link to the trial survey:

    <a href="" onclick=", 'popupwindow', 'width=575,height=800,scrollbars,resizable'); return false;">Take a short survey on this resource</a>
  5. Add to the description the HTML for the trial end:

    <strong>Trial Ends:</strong> mm/dd/yy
  6. Check that the trial is showing up on the trials page at
  7. Alert the subject selectors and Public Relations Officer about the trial. Prepare any needed blog posts.