Writing and Publishing: Resources for Researchers and Scholars

This guide is brought to you by the Office of Scholarly Communications, where our goal is to help you reach yours.

Publishing, Promoting Your Research, and Building Your Reputation

This advisory service is available without charge to U of A postdocs and graduate students as well as all faculty, regardless of discipline, status, or rank.

The Basic Package – Publishing Books and Journal Articles

  • Identifying suitable book publishers and journals
  • Preparing book proposals or articles
  • Walking through the publishing process - submitting the proposals or article, undergoing peer review, revising the manuscript, writing a response to reviews, negotiating a publishing agreement

The Enhanced Package – Building a Professional Reputation

Create a flexible, personalized strategic plan for building a professional reputation. This service includes the basic package but the scope expands beyond immediate project to long-term goals.

  • Identifying long-term career goals
  • Identifying both core and peripheral audiences as well as venues for reaching them
  • Cultivating opportunities to disseminate research and scholarship through blogs, webinars, conferences, local presentations; collaborating with University Relations
  • Promoting achievements by submitting work for awards, posting to social media, winning recognition from prestigious societies 


To make an appointment, please contact Melody Herr, PhD, Office of Scholarly Communications, University Libraries by email at herr@uark.edu

For more than 16 years,  Melody worked as an acquiring editor at a series of university presses. She worked side-by-side with authors, from graduate students through emeritus faculty, from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines, to publish their research. Since early 2016, she has served as Head of the Office of Scholarly Communications. She provides expertise on scholarly communications topics and the basics of publishing research through webinars, workshops, online guides, and one-on-one consultations. As a scholar, she not only publishes her own books and articles but also gives presentations at other universities and conducts webinars and conference workshops.