How to migrate from ProQuest RefWorks to Mendeley
ProQuest RefWorks only allows you to export one folder at a time. Equally, since Mendeley folder structure is different, it is not possible to export multiple folders either.
To migrate all your ProQuest RefWorks references into Mendeley:
1. Log in to your ProQuest RefWorks account.
2. Click on the folder you want to migrate. Ensure you select 'all references you want to migrate'.
3. From the top menu, click on the export button and select 'export references'.
4. In the pop-up menu that appears, ensure that 'Selected references' is selected and that the Export Format is set to BibTeX.
*Note, the BibTeX format is just an example. You can use the .RIS format if you want since the output will still be same in Mendeley.
5. When ready, click the 'Export' button which appears in the bottom right of the pop-up.
6. Save the BibTeX file in your computer.
7. Log in to your Mendeley account.
8. Select 'Add new' and then 'Import Library' and choose BibTeX file.
9. Locate and upload the BibTeX file that was exported from RefWorks and click open.
10. The references should now appear in Mendeley.