EndNote Basic

Guide to Using EndNote Basic

Organize References

Creating a New Group

  1. Under the My References tab, check any citations that you wish to move into a new group
  2. On the Add to group… dropdown, select New group (ensure that browser is set to allow popups from www.myendnoteweb.com)
  3. Type a name for the new group and click OK


Moving Citations to Different Groups

  1. Under the My References tab, locate the panel on the left side of the screen containing your group names. Click on the folder containing the citations to be moved
  2. Check all citations that you wish to move into a different group
  3. On the Add to group… dropdown, select the title of the destination folder

Attach Files

Login into your Endnote account at https://access.clarivate.com/login?app=endnote to view and update your profile and settings.

Choose Organize > Manage Attachments to see how much storage your Endnote library is using.
You have 2GB for free, or add more storage for an additional fee.

Share Your Library

Share References With Other Users

  1. Under the Organize tab, click Manage My Groups
  2. In the  column on the table, mark the group that you want to share
  3. Next to the check mark, click Manage Sharing
  4. Click Start sharing this group
  5. In the text box, type the email addresses of the users that will be sharing your group
  6. Set the reading and writing permissions and then click Apply