EndNote Basic

Guide to Using EndNote Basic

Filters for Importing from Databases

Manually Entering References

  1. Under the Collect tab, click New Reference
  2. Select an option from the Reference Type dropdown
  3. As you type available information in the proper fields, the reference will automatically save in the [unfiled] group
  4. To save in another group, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the triangle next to the Groups field. Check the groups where you wish to save the New Reference

Importing References from the Libraries' Catalog

  1. Locate the items:
    1. Open the Libraries' Catalog.
    2. Find the book you are interested in citing.
    3. Click the book's title.
  2. Export the records:
    1. Click EXPORT RIS.
    2. Click DOWNLOAD.
  3. Import the records:
    1. Login to EndNote Web.
    2. Under Collect, click Import References.
    3. Click Browse to locate and attach the saved text file.
    4. Under Filter, select RefMan RIS .
    5. Select the group where you would like the citation to be placed, then click Import.

Within EndNote Basic

Search external databases from within EndNote Basic
  1. Under the Collect tab in EndNote Basic, click Online Search
  2. Select a database from the dropdown list and click Connect
  3. Enter search terms                     
    1. Select select a range of records to retrieve, click Search, specify the range of records to export, and click Retrieve.
    2. Or Select retrieve all records and click Search
  4. Mark the records you want to save
  5. Select the group where the records will be saved by using the Add to Group… dropdown. A new group can be created by selecting New Group.

Google Scholar

Follow these instructions to import references from Google Scholar into EndNote Basic
Set Preferences in Google Scholar
  1. From the Google Scholar search page (home page), click on Settings.
    1. If you already conducted a search on Google Scholar, click on the icon   next to “Google Scholar” at the top left of the page to go to Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Bibliography Manager section.
  3. Select “Show links to import citations into”; select EndNote or RefMan from the drop-down
  4. Click Save Preferences.
  5. Conduct your search in Google Scholar. (If you have not already)
  6. Each record displayed will now have an Import into EndNote or Import into RefMan link.
  7. Two ways of sending the references to Endnote are as follows:
    1. Manual Export
    2. Direct Export
Manual Export
  1. Click on the Import into EndNote or Import into RefMan link to download the record.
  2. Save the record. The extension is .ENW if preferences is set to EndNote and .RIS is set to RefMan
  3. Login to EndNote Basic.
  4. Under Collect, select Import References.
  5. Browse to find your file, with extension .ENW or .RIS
  6. Select EndNote Import as the “Import Option”.
  7. Select a folder for your reference(s) next to “To”.
  8. Click on Import.
  9. A message like “1 reference has been imported to <folder name>” will be displayed on the same page.
Direct Export
  1. Click on the Import into EndNote or Import into RefMan link to download the record.
  2. Clicking either of the save files will open an EndNote Login dialog box where you will enter your EndNote login credentials.
  3. The reference is automatically exported to your EndNote "Unfiled" folder after entering your login information and the information box below pops up with the message "1 reference exported to my.endnote.com."

Capture on the Fly

You may use the Capture tool in EndNote Basic to capture the bibliographic information from a webpage, a pdf or html document and store them in your Endnote database. The reference(s) you capture will be saved in the Unfiled group if no group is specified.

To capture references, you must first install the Capture Reference tool as follows:
  1. Login in your EndNote Basic account click on the Downloads tab.
  2. Left click and hold down the Capture Reference button above, and drag it to either your “Favorites Bar” or add to your “Bookmarks”.


You may wish to make the Bookmarks bar visible for the browser you are using. To do this:
For Google Chrome:
  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click Customize and control Google Chrome 
  3. Select Bookmarks then Show Bookmarks Bar or use the keyboard shortcuts:
    1. Ctrl+Shift+b for Windows PC.
    2. Command+shift+b for Mac.
  4. Left click and hold down the Capture Reference button to drag to the Bookmarks Bar
For Mozilla Firefox:
  1. On your computer, open Mozilla Firefox.
  2. At the top right, click  to show your bookmarks
  3. Select Bookmarks Toolbar then view Bookmarks Toolbar
  4. Left click and hold down the Capture Reference button to drag to the Bookmarks Bar.
For Internet Explorer:
  1. On your computer, open Internet Explorer.
  2. Right Click on  at the top right of the screen to add the Favorite bar
  3. Left click and hold down the Capture Reference button to drag to the Favorites Bar.
To capture the reference(s):
  1. Navigate to the web page that presents bibliographic data you want to capture, or open a pdf file, or an html document, etc.
    Visit http://tinyurl.com/y8ynddh4 for a listing of the capture compatible sources
  2. Click the Capture References button.
  3. Click the Save To button and then select my.endnoteweb.com.   Alternately, select EndNote to save the reference to your library in EndNote desktop.

Tip: A default reference type, the type most commonly used, is assigned to each Resource when captured. After saving the reference with Capture, confirm that the reference type is correct and all fields indicated with asterisks are complete. Otherwise you may need to complete or modify the information captured as may be necessary.



Associating References with the EndNote Online Export Helper

In some cases, depending on browser or system settings, clicking the .ENW or .RIS file may not open the EndNote Login dialog box the first time. When this happens, the .ENW and .RIS extensions need to the have the EndNote Online Export Helper set as the default program for opening these file types.

For Mozilla Firefox
  1. If the Cite While You Write plug-in was installed, Firefox will attempt to open or save the file with default program EndNote online Export Helper
  2. You can associate the EndNote online Export Helper application to open .ENW files by following the steps below:
    1. Clicking on Import into Endnote will open an Opening scholar.enw dialog containing the options to Open with or Save File
    2. Select other...in the using the dropdown next to Open with
    3. Select the bubble for Open with and Click Browse
    4. This will open the Choose Helper Application dialog with a list of programs and the option to Browse
    5. Click Browse
    6. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote Plug-Ins
    7. Click the file named ENWebLink (or ENWebLink.exe)
    8. Click Open
    9. Click OK on the Opening scholar.enw dialog
    10. An ENWebLink (EndNote Login) dialog should pop up asking you to enter your Endnote email address and password.Enter both.
    11. Click OK
    12. An ENWebLink (EndNote Login) dialog should pop up with a message like "1 reference exported to my.endnote.com."
    13. Click OK


For Internet Explorer
  1. Clicking on Import into EndNote should open a File Download dialog containing the options to Open, Save, or Cancel (Often it can be found at the bottom of the browser)
  2. Click Open
  3. This will open a Windows dialog that says "Windows cannot open this file". Internet Explorer attempts to locate the application required to open the .ENW as shown below. If the EndNote plug-in was installed, the dialog box to login to EndNote as in step xii below opens.
  4. To manually select the application, click More apps, scroll down the dialog box and click Look for another app on this PC.
  5. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote Plug-Ins
  6. Click the file named ENWebLink (or ENWebLink.exe)
  7. Click Open
  8. On the Open With dialog, ensure that the box next to Always use the selected program to open this kind of file is checked
  9. Click OK on the Open With dialog
  10. An ENWebLink (EndNote Login) dialog should pop up asking you to enter your Endnote email address and password. Enter both.
  11. Click OK
  12. An ENWebLink (EndNote Online) dialog should pop up with a message like "1 reference exported to my.endnote.com."
  13. Click OK


For Google Chrome
  1. Clicking on Import into Endnote should save a file with .ENW as extension.
  2. Click on the arrow next to the file or right-click on the file if it is in its original location and click Open with....
  3. Follow steps 3-13 as with the case of Internet Explorer above to associate the scholar.enw file with the EndNote Online Export Helper.


EndNote Online Export Helper

From now on, every time you click the Import into Endnote link below a record in Google Scholar while using Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and other browsers, you will only need to follow the next two steps:

  1. File Download dialog will pop up, presenting you with the options to Open, Save, or Cancel.Click Open
  2. ENWebLink (EndNote Login) dialog will pop up asking for your EndNote email address and password. Enter both.
  3. Click OK
  4. The ENWebLink dialog will pop up confirming that reference is exported to my.endnote.com. Click OK