EndNote Basic

Guide to Using EndNote Basic

Export from RefWorks into EndNote Basic

Exporting from Legacy RefWorks

  1. In RefWorks, click into the folder you want to export, and go to References > Export.
  2. Choose the type for Bibliographic Software (EndNote... etc.)
  3. Save the resulting file - it may have a txt or ris extension.


Exporting from New RefWorks

  1. Go to the folder you want to export.
  2. In the upper menu bar, choose Share.
  3. Choose Export References and RIS format.
  4. Save the resulting file - it may have a txt or ris extension.


Importing into EndNote Basic

  1. In Endnote Basic, go to Collect, then to Import References.
  2. Choose the file (ris or txt extension) and RefMan RIS as the Import Option.
  3. You may enter an already existing group to bring your records into, or may select New Group to name a new group to perhaps match the name of the folder from RefWorks.