Download and Install the Cite While You Write Plug-In
- Login to EndNote Basic (
- Under the Format tab, click Cite While You Write Plug-In
- Select the hyperlink corresponding to your system (Windows/Mac). Once downloaded, run the installation file.
- Open Microsoft Word and verify installation by locating the EndNote tab
- Click the EndNote tab, enter your EndNote Basic email address and password
- If you would like to save your login information, select from the menu.(Note: Do not save your login information on a public computer account).
- In the Preferences window, click on the Application tab
- Enter your e-mail address and password
- Check the box next to "Remember my address and password"
- Click OK
Setting Bibliography Preferences
- Click the arrow on the right of Bibliography
- In the With Output Style dropdown, choose an Output Style
- Under the Layout tab, choose a font type and size to match your document and references
Locating and Inserting Citations
- Place your cursor in the body of text, where the citation should be inserted (known as the Insert Point)
- From the EndNote ribbon, select insert citation
- Enter search criteria in the field located at the top of the new window
- Click Find. This will search all of the fields of every citation in your EndNote Basic library
- Highlight the reference that you wish to cite by clicking it. To cite a group, hold Ctrl while clicking individual references
- Click Insert. The dropdown menu on this button allows insertion of a citation that excludes author, year, or both.
- Using the default preferences for this plug-in, instant formatting is enabled. A Formatted Citation will be inserted at the cursor location; a Bibliography will be added to the end of your document
- If you have disabled instant formatting, an Unformatted Citation (temporary citation) will be inserted at the cursor location. Subsequently selecting will add a Bibliography and will convert all citations to Formatted Citations
Editing Citations
Note: Citation must be formatted to edit with the Edit Citation menu. An unformatted citation may be deleted like ordinary text. To ensure that all field codes are removed properly, delete formatted citations via the Edit Citation menu (see below) rather than deleting within the document.
- In the body of the text, first click to highlight the citation that requires editing. Otherwise, you might accidentally edit the wrong citation
- Click to open the Edit Citation window
- To delete the citation, click Remove
- To add another reference to substantiate the same point (i.e. grouping multiple references in one location), click Insert Citations. This will open the Endnote Find & Insert My References menu, where you may select and insert the additional reference(s)
- To change the order of references within this group, highlight the misplaced reference on the left side of the Edit Citation menu. Click to move it with respect to other references in the group
- Fields in the Edit Citation subsection of the EndNote Find & Insert My References can be used to
- exclude an author from the citation for the highlighted reference
- exclude the year from the citation for the highlighted reference
- add a prefix to the citation for the highlighted reference
- add a suffix to the citation for the highlighted reference
- add pages to the citation for the highlighted reference
Converting and Updating
- Convert your document between formatted, unformatted, and plain text versions by choosing from the following options:
- will convert Formatted Citations to Plain Text (remove field codes from the document) Note: It is important to SAVE the document containing the formatted citations before you convert to plain text. Save the plain text version with a new file name, because there is no way to convert a plain text document back to the formatted version for further editing with Cite While You Write. This is typically the last step before submitting an electronic version of a document for publication, review, or grading.
- will convert Formatted Citations to Unformatted Citations (temporary citations)
- Temporary citations are surrounded by Temporary citation delimiters
- This function also removes the bibliography
- To convert temporary citations back into formatted citations and restore the complete bibliography, click
- will correct a document that contains citations created by Microsoft Word’s Insert Citation function; it converts these citations to Cite While You Write formatted citations and adds them to the bibliography.
Exporting to EndNote Basic
- Upload citations in the document to the [unfiled] group in your EndNote Basic library using one of the following options:
- allows you to save the references from your current unformatted document into your EndNote Basic account. When you click on Export Travelling Library it will automatically upload the references from your document into the Unfiled folder in your account. You may save these references in a new group which will serve as an online bibliography for the paper.
- will convert and upload citations created by Microsoft Word’s Insert Citation function to your EndNote Basic library.
- will convert and upload the Microsoft Word Master List to your EndNote Basic library. This list includes all references (from all previous documents) that you have created with Microsoft Word’s Insert Citation function