
Collecting, organizing, and citing your references

Right-click, Drag and Drop, or Upload

It's easy to attach files (like PDFs) to items in your Zotero library. There are several ways to add files:

  • PDFs are automatically saved as you save citations in many cases.  Zotero checks the UnPaywall service for Open Access articles.
  • Have a citation without a PDF? You can try right-clicking the citation and choosing "Find Full Text."  
  • Have a PDF in hand?  Drag the file into your Zotero pane.
    • Zotero will attempt to lookup the article information.
    • Dropping a file onto a collection, or in between library items, will copy it into your library as a standalone item. Dropping it onto an existing item will attach it to that item. This is the easiest way to attach a copy of an article to its entry in your library.
  • Use the Add File icon in the top menu bar

Supported file types include PDFs, Word documents, image files, and more.

Add File option in Zotero

Add Notes

The true power of Zotero is in its note-taking functions. Zotero allows you to go beyond managing citations to developing a fully-searchable database of your research notes.

Notes can be standalone or be attached to a citation.

To add standalone notes, click on the Add Note icon in the Zotero toolbar and choose "Add Standalone Note."

To attach a note to a citation,highlight the item you wish to add a note to and

  • either click on the Add Note icon in the Zotero toolbar and choose "Add Item Note" or 
  • click on the Notes icon on the right details pane and click the plus sign to add a new note. 

Add notes to Zotero on the item pane or through the tool