
Collecting, organizing, and citing your references

Sync your Zotero Installations

Once you have created an account at Zotero.org, and installed the Zotero client on your device(s), you can link your account to each installation.

Once your installations are linked to your online account, your Zotero  library will be automatically synced to be stored on the Zotero server. No matter where you work, your library will be saved to the Zotero cloud.

To link your account:

  1. Open Zotero and choose Edit > Preferences.in Windows.
    Or, Preferences in MacOS. 
  2. On the Sync tab, input your Zotero username and password.
  3. Check Set Up Syncing and OK.
    • Sync settings:
      • choose automatic if you want Zotero to continuously back up your data.
      • choose to sync documents if you want to save PDFs to the Zotero cloud (but this will eat up your storage quota faster).

Edit Zotero Preferences

Signing into Zotero Sync

Zoero Sync Settings


Find it! and Zotero

Additional Preferences Settings

Other Preferences Settings to Consider

  • General Tab
    • User interface font size
    • Automatically save PDF files with citations
  • Search Tab
    • Turn on PDF Indexing to retrieve metadata for PDFs automatically
  • Cite Tab
    • Retrieve more citation styles
    • Enable Word processor plugins
  • Advanced Tab
    • Chose default file and folder locations for storage
    • OpenURL resolver can be set to use Find it!  (http://gm3ed7jh6d.search.serialssolutions.com/?SS_Page=refiner&SS_RefinerEditable=yes)