
Collecting, organizing, and citing your references

The Left Pane: Create and Manage Collections


By default, Zotero stores new citations in "My Library."  You can create multiple folders, or "collections" to organize your research by topic, thesis chapter, or assignment.

A reference can be in more than one collection at a time. In other words, a book on the Civil War could be filed in your "Civil War" collection, your "Arkansas History" collection and your "19th Century America" collection without having to make three copies of the reference.

There are collections specifically to help identify duplicate items and "My Publications" for creating a list of your publications on your Zotero public profile page. 

Adding a Collection

At the top left is a folder icon. Click this to create a new "collection."

Drag and drop citations to place them into collections.


Create collections to organize citations


Tags are automatically added from imported citations.  Click on a tag to find all citations with that tag. 

You can also add your own custom tags to items. 

Some find the automatically-imported tags a bit overwhelming.  There is a lack of consistency across databases.  If automatic tags are not helpful, see our tips for excluding these from your library

Zotero tags in the left pane

The Middle Pane: Items and Attachments

The Middle Pane lists items and their attachments and notes in the currently-highlighted collection or library. 

Each item will have a format icon indicated book, article, thesis, or other kind of publication. 

Click the down arrow to the left of each item to see attachments such as full text PDFs or notes. 
Zotero item list in the middle pane


The Right Pane: Item Details

The Right Pane, newly redesigned in Zotero 7, contains all the details about the item currently highlighted in the Middle Pane.  Icons let you jump to sections with the abstract, attachments and notes, Libraries, Collections, and tags for that item.  Here you can add note and correct or update the item metadata.

Zotero Right Pane: Item Details

Zotero Web Library

With recent updates to Zotero you can manage and add items to your library using a web browser (without downloading the Zotero desktop program).  Add items from a web browser plugin, with a DOI, ISBN, or other standard number, or manually by creating a citation. The Zotero Web Library is ideal for lab or shared workstations where you may not want to take the time to set up local software. 

Note that the Web Library is missing some functionality you will find in the client:

  • There are no plugins for Word, Google Docs, etc. 
  • You don't have the option to save new items to a specific collection or folder; all new items go into "My Library" and then must be copied to the correct collection / folder. 

How to enable saving to your Web Library

  1. Login to your Zotero account at https://www.zotero.org/
  2. Choose Web Library
  3. The first time you try to add an item to your library via the web page, you will see a dialog from Zotero; choose the option to Enable Saving to Online Library.
    Zotero enable saving to online library
  4. Some web browsers, including Firefox, may ask you to enable saving with a one-time code.
  5. Thereafter, you can save and edit items in your library without configuring a local client version of the software.