Data Visualization

This guide collects resources and tutorials related to data visualization.

Data as Art

Data visualization serves many purposes. In addition to providing information, data visualization can tap into the human condition by enlightening and amusing. Seeing things in a new way is a common trait of art.

Visualization Artists to note

Giorgia Lupi and Stephanie Posavek

from Georgia Lupi and Stephanie Posavek. Dear Data .


Manuel Lima

Designer and data historian, Lima investigates data imagery from over centuries as well as adding his visualizations into the mix. His books are overwhelming in their insights and beauty.

from Manual Lima. Book of Trees.


David McCandless

A data journalist, McCandless explores complex datasets to build simple, beautiful visualizations. His site, Information is Beautiful, is a treasure trove of data visualization examples and information. Absolutely fascinating and interesting,

Coronovirus riskiest activities. information is beautiful.


Golan Levin

A Professor of Electronic Art at Carnegie Mellon, Levin and his collaborators make new artworks using robotics, new software, and cognitive research. See his work at linked below.


Mona Chalabi

Designer of insightful political data visualizations. Check out her Instagram channel below.



Nathalie Miebach

Ms. Miebach has created a number of sculptures based on the compilation of weather data. She is interested in creating an alternative entry point for people to understand scientific phenomenon.

And the Winds Kept Roaring Through the Night, by Nathalie Miebach . . It interprets the wind data gathered during the sinking of the Andrea Doria in 1991.


Mikami Yoshiyuki and the World Wildlife Foundation

WWF presented a powerful series of visualizations of endangered species  in which photos of the animals were pixilated to the level of the number of remaining animals that are known. While some of the animals' photos are still visible, others are much harder to see.

Available via Photos of Endangered Species Where Every Pixel Represents One Animal. DL Cade.PetaPixel.


Chris Jordan

Jordan is a Seattle photographer who is known for his representations of American consumption habits. His 2009 works in Running the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait are literal portraits of statistics of use and refuse.

Cigarette Butts, 2013 . From Running the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait . Photo by Chris Jordan.