StaffGuide: Research and Instruction Services

Policies, procedures, and resources for research and instruction librarians

LibAnswers Tickets and Chat: Where to Refer What


Refer To


Borrowing privileges, Library Account

Services, User

Anything referred to Services, User sends an alert to

Remote access issues BEYOND
if in doubt, always forward – do what you are comfortable with doing

Content Services Queue

Any email forwarded to also opens a ticket in this queue

Reserves item
(if electronic item is needed for a class)

Reserves, Course

Note patron in immediate need can user the “Request a Chapter Scan” button in catalog > this goes to an ILLiad request

Reserves Media
(if streaming media needed for a class)

Services, Multimedia

Tip: check expiration dates on films listed on course reserves pages
Kanopy film requests automatically come to Tech Services queue and Services, Multimedia is notified.

ILL questions

Loan, Interlibrary

Sometimes a good idea to verify patron status in Sierra, first.
Services, User can verify Sierra status.

Database, ejournal, ebook issues: holdings, bad links, rights

Content Services Queue

BJ, JW, MAG, MS, DK automatically get notified of any new tickets in this queue

Any email forwarded to also opens a ticket in this queue

Arkansas history, manuscripts, Arkansas genealogy, questions needing access to Special Collections  materials

Collections, Special

Special Collections will close ticket and answer in regular email