StaffGuide: Account and Access Troubleshooting

This guide is designed to help you work the issue with the patron and to refer it on if it cannot be resolved right away, Send us your suggestions to for making it better.

Troubleshooting Access to E-resources

Use these steps if a patron is trying to:

  • access an ebook, ejournal, or database

There are two main ways for remote patrons to authenticate to use library resources:

  • via OpenAthens
    Most of our users will use Athenized links for access.
  • via the special campus VPN connection
    This method is used by a small number of dedicated researchers who are willing to set up the software.

The troubleshooting steps in this guide are designed to help you assist users of OpenAthens

For help with VPN connections, refer questions to the Content Services / Web Services LibAnswers queue,

Quick Fixes

Clear the browser cache or try another browser.

Instructions at
This will often resolve weird errors or page loading issues.

Special Statuses

Check our Privileges FAQs for recent graduates, Division of Agriculture, and other groups

Check Type of Patron

Alumni, community borrowers, high school students, and other non-affiliated users will not usually have remote access to library resources.

Problems logging into UARK account?

Try changing the password at or check with ITS Help Desk.

Campus Wireless not Connecting to Library Resources?

Be sure to use UARK Wi-Fi, not Guest Wi-Fi.

Trouble connecting to Wi-Fi?

"Forget" the network on your device and then try again.

Step 1: What is the patron trying to access?

Step 1: What is the patron trying to access?

Check to see if you can get in to that item.

If you cannot, the issue may be with our subscription or it may be technical issue

  • report the issue to
  • or if in LibAnswers, transfer the ticket to the Content Services queue.
    You are done!

If you can get into that item

No luck? Proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Check the Link

Step 2: What Link is the Patron Trying to Access?

  • Sometimes patrons find items on the web and cannot access the item because they have no way to authenticate as a University of Arkansas student, faculty, or staff member.
  • Or, they are using an outdated, old proxied link from Blackboard, personal bookmarks, or elsewhere.

Find a link to the item in OneSearch and send it to the user.

Did it work?

Problem solved! You're a hero!

Did it not work?

Proceed to Step 3.

Step 3: One Database or All?

Step 3: Is the patron able to connect to other resources or is the issue with just one resource?

No, the patron cannot connect to any subscription resources.

Proceed to Step 4.


Yes, the patron can connect to other resources, just not this one.

Can you connect to the resource from OneSearch or home page?

No: The problem is with our link or the vendor.
  1. Take the patron's contact information and send it to
    or if in LibAnswers, transfer the ticket to the Content Services queue.

  2.  See if you can solve the patron's immediate need. Ask the patron if there is a specific article / book chapter or other resource that you can send to them

    • Try Google. You might find the right link!

  • You are done. Thanks for reporting this issue.

Yes: you can connect with no problems.

The issue may be an OpenAthens problem or a UARK account problem.

Proceed to Step 4.

Step 4: Have the Patron Test their UARK Account

Step 4: Check Patron UARK Account

If the patron cannot login to ANY of our resources remotely, the issue may be with their UARK account.

Can the patron login into their UARK email?

Yes: it's an OpenAthens issue.

Take the patron's contact information and send it to

or if in LibAnswers, transfer the ticket to the Content Services queue.


No: It's a UARK account issue.  

Refer the patron to the ITS Help Desk.

  • Phone: 479-575-2905
  • Chat:

Privileges FAQs