StaffGuide: User Services

FAQ - Holds / Recalls

Can patrons pick up hold items for each other if they have the other's ID?

No, items placed on hold can only be checked out by that patron and we are not allowed to check out items to patrons using someone else’s ID. Unless the patron has a linked sierra account, which allows the patron to use their UofA ID and check out items for the linked patron.

Can patrons check out reserve items for longer?

Reserve items checkout for a limited amount of time so that it gives other students in the course an opportunity to check it out. For items not in high demand, items can be checked out again to the same patron.

Why does this reserve item only checkout for 2 hours?

The instructors decided on the amount of time the item checks out from a selection of checkout times ranging from two hours to two days. If a patron believes the checkout time to be too short they may ask their instructor about requesting a change.

Can a patron pick up items for other patrons?

Yes. For ILL items the patron must be an authorized user and have a valid photo ID. A UofA ID is preferred but the patron can also pick up ILL items with a valid government-issued ID. If the patron is picking up items belonging to the University Libraries, the patron they are picking items up for must be a graduate student, staff, or faculty (or have a special circumstance), and they must have filled out the Proxy Sponsor Request Form. The proxy user must have a valid ID. 

Can visitors (non-affiliated) request items from LINX?

Yes. All items that need to be requested to be viewed and/or checked out, can be requested by staff on the patron’s behalf.*See Requesting items from storage for Library Guests for instructions.

Holds / Recalls / Searches

Holds / Recalls / Searches


A service of the circulation department for patrons to request items to be placed on the hold shelf to be checked out within the current week.A patron completes a hold request  online by selecting the request button or at the circulation desk which is processed by a library staff member. When the item is located, it is placed on the hold shelf and the patron is notified. Holds are not placed on journals.


A service of the circulation department to place a hold / request an item that has been checked out by another patron. Once the item is returned, it is checked in and a hold should be fulfilled and placed on the hold shelf.

A patron who wants to borrow an item that is checked out or in process may place a hold or recall on the item. For holds, the library notifies the patron when the item is returned and holds the item to be picked up by the patron. The item is then placed on the HOLD shelf, for a minimum of seven days, to be picked up by the patron. When an item is recalled, the system sets a new due date and produces a notice for the patron instructing them to return the item for use by another patron. Recalled items give the current patron two weeks to return the recalled item. All holds and recalls will be managed by circulation personnel.

A search may be placed on a main library item that a patron is unable to locate. A staff member or the patron should be asked to check the sorting area before completing a search request. A hold may also be placed on a new book if the status of the item says “in process”. A rush hold for a new book will be processed and available within 48 hours.

To process a request for a hold or a search:

Manual  Process

  • Conduct a search using the online catalog ( and print out the item information. Stamp the printout with the hold/recall/search stamp, and have the patron complete the information. Verify the information regarding the item, (volume, location, etc.) and the patron's address/e-mail (in patron record).
  • Ask the patron to supply a “not needed after” / cancelation date, a date which will allow the hold to be canceled if not received, located, or no longer needed by patron.
  • Check whether the request is for a recall, hold or a search. Initial the form and place in the appropriate box for processing.

A patron is guaranteed a minimum two week loan period, and recall notices will allow the patron a week to return the needed item. Manual Hold and search requests are not accepted for other departments (e.g. Performing Arts/Media) or for the branch libraries at Mullins. Requests can be made online or at the location in which the item belongs. Patrons should go to the appropriate department to inquire about holds/recalls and searches for those items.

Online Holds

  • Holds can also be placed online via the Online Catalog.
  • Search a title or call number and in the search box, select the record and click the “Request this item”.
  • Login in using a UARK username and password (affiliates enter name and ID #).
  • Patron continues by selecting the pickup location and entering any special instructions, select continue when complete.
  • On the following page, select the items you wish to hold and then click “Request Selected Item”.
  • This process initiates a hold request that is processed by library staff.

Holds management will be conducted by full-time staff members. Holds on materials can be viewed in Sierra in the patron record by clicking on the “HOLDS” tab. Holds can be deleted from the check-out screen by staff if requested by the patron (i.e. patron no longer needs an item).

Searches – Quick Guide


A service of the circulation department to locate missing items. A patron completes a search request at the circulation desk which is processed by a library staff member. If the item is located, it is placed on hold and the patron is notified. Holds are not placed on journals.Daily Searches.

All searches are conducted by the Stacks Department, throughout the entire University Libraries system. The following is just a brief break down of the basics of what a search may consist.

Search daily for 1 week

  • After first day of searching, status is changed to “on search”
  • After 1 week, status changed to “missing” and searches go into weekly search folder

Weekly Searches

  • Search weekly for 3 weeks for a total of 1 month of searching (first week was the week of the daily searches)
  • After the 3rd week, change the status to “missing 2”, decide if the item information should be given to the Director for Collection Management Services & Systems for fast track replacement
  • Searches are given a date of six months from the date they were originally searched and then go in the six month search folder

6 month Searches

  • Items are searched according to date at top of form
  • Searches are discarded. Items are searched again in 6 months when yearly search lists are made

Yearly Searches

  • Lists are created for items that have had a status of $ (lost and paid), M2, and n (billed) since the previous month of the previous year (In October of 06, we will be searching for items with this status since September of 05)
  • M2 items that are not found are given the status of M4. “Sent for replacement decision” is written in the note field
  • $ and n items retain their status. “Sent for replacement decision” “not eligible for refund” and “WD fiscal year” are put in note fields
  • All yearly items not found are sent to selectors for replacement decision.

For additional information on the search process ask the Stacks Manager.

Requesting items from storage for Library Guests

See Link below!