StaffGuide: User Services


For additional FAQs on Library Privileges and additional questions try the questions below and Library FAQs page.


Example of Application below:

The application can be found at Main Mullins Help Desk or on Library Privileges page (  to be printed.


ID Cards:

All patrons must be told about the requirement to obtain a University photo ID card to check out materials. We do not make an exception for community borrowers. Individuals should be told of this requirement before purchasing privileges. For most individuals the ID Office will charge $10 for an ID card

Application Processing Procedures

  1. Once the patron has completed filling out the application, staff will review the information for accuracy and completion. Staff should also check in Sierra for outstanding fines and/or existing accounts under patron name and ID number (if one is assigned). Once staff has completed verifying information (application and patron record), staff should initial the line provided for “Fines Checked”.
    1. If the patron has fines, inform the patron their account cannot be created / updated until fines are paid.
  2. If a patron record does not exist an On-The-Fly record should be created. Read over Create / Update patron record for instructions.
  3. Verify the applicant’s ID. Acceptable IDs include photo University IDs and/or Government issued photo IDs (Driver’s license, Military ID, Passport, etc.). Once the ID has been verified, the staff member should initial on the line next to “Photo ID Verified”.

The steps below should be handled by designated full time staff members only.

  1. Verify reference information. Contact reference. Initial "References Checked" on application. If it is a renewal, a former student or an alumni association member, it is not necessary to verify reference information.
    1. For alumni association member, if membership is not verified on application, look up patron in database and indicate on application.
  2. Complete the “To be completed by staff” area at bottom of application: card number (ID#), issue date, expiration date, etc. Record invoice amount (if applicable), number and date paid on application. Record the date in which a letter or email is to be sent to the patron. Emails do not need to be sent to affiliated individuals.
  3. If the patron indicates this is a new application, check for University ID # in UAConnect (if there is not ID # on the patron record). (See UAConnect instructions.)  Indicate ID# on application. If patron does not have a record in UAConnect, use the patron’s Social Security # in place of ID#. A supervisor will input record into UAConnect at which time a University ID# will be generated. If there is already an ID# on the application, mark out the social security number.
  4. Update Sierra patron record and verify that the patron type (P-TYPE) was entered or updated correctly
  5. Have Circulation supervisor review and sign application.
  6. E-mail letters to patrons. (See e-mail procedures, in app Problems/ Fines/ Notification tab.)
  7. If the patron does not have an e-mail address, letters must be printed and a copy of the policies enclosed to be mailed to the patron.
    1. All letters are to be folded and mailed using window envelopes. A letter folder and window envelops can be found in the Circulation office area in the back.
  8. In “Circulation” folder on “Alexandria” library server, retrieve the appropriate file.
    1. For new applications open: "aanewltr.wpd".
    2. For renewal applications open: "aarenewltr.wpd".

Edit form letter by typing in the patron name and address (all caps, no punctuation). For renewals, enter the new expiration date where indicated. Print completed letters on letterhead featuring the UofA Libraries logo. Include the patron ID # on the letter.

  • File location: \\Alexandria\Circulation\Applications for Privileges (aanewltr or aarenewltr)

File application in drawer. For renewals, check files for previous applications, and staple these to the current application with current application on front. Record number processed on date on circulation supervisor’s desk pad calendar (upper left corner of day).

Applicants for Privileges  


This will allow community / affiliate borrowers to check out a limited number of books, but will not give remote access to the library databases, or allow them to checkout special items such as reference materials and audio-visual items.

Individuals who must apply for library privileges include (but is not limited to):

Affiliated Patron types – No Charge (Free):

  • Hourly employees, Chartwell’s employees
  • Members of affiliated groups: campus religious organizations, cooperative extension employees: 
  • Faculty/Staff spouses and dependents (must be 16 or older)
  • Alumni Association members (not just alumni)
    • List can be found on thumb drive marked “ALUMNT or Alumni Membership” Alumni Membership database flash drive, which is updated periodically. Search latest file – in excel. Use ctrl+F to search – use patron’s first or last name. If unable to verify membership with card or in database, call alumni Association at 575-2801. We must verity membership, before any changes can be made to patron record.

* See list of affiliated organizations at Mullins Help Desk.

Affiliate Table:

These individuals may (or may not) be loaded from the UAConnect affiliate table. If they do not have a record, an application is required.

  • Adjunct / Visiting professors
  • Emeritus faculty
  • Visiting scholars
  • Spring International

Patron types (defined):

  • Hourly Employees
    • Works at the University but are not “appointed” classified staff
    • May work up to 40 hours per week, but do not get benefits
    • May work at Chartwells or other campus entities
  • Adjunct / Visiting faculty
    • Teach classes or are doing research for an academic department on campus, but are not “appointed” faculty
    • Part-time faculty, not paid by the University (may or may not be in UAConnect)
  • Emeritus Faculty
    • Retired faculty and staff granted special “Emeritus” status
    • Can verify status using Affiliates table in
  • Others who need to complete free applications include:
    • Currently enrolled students who are not in Sierra
    • New faculty and staff who are full time, appointed employees

All free applications should select: “Affiliated – No Charge” on the application

Affiliated Patron types (Fees apply):

Individuals who will pay for privileges include:

  • Community borrowers ($40.00 per year)
  • Faculty/Staff and students from other schools
    • Unless they have an ARKLink card - see (ARKLink procedures)
  • High school students (reduced rate @ $15.00 per year)
    • Must have parent signature / approval

NOTE: Alumni members do not pay for privileges, but they are only extended membership as long as their Alumni membership is valid. Membership must be verified.

Requirements for applications:

  • All patrons must have valid photo identification (government issued).Be sure to check the expiration date on photo ID. Once verified, staff member should initial “Photo ID Verified” space.
  • Patrons must be 18 years of age or older (except for high school students – they must be in grades 9-12 and have parent / legal guardians approval).
  • Patrons must live in Arkansas or an adjoining state. High school students must be enrolled in a school in Washington or Benton County.
  • Payment of privileges must be taken before privileges are extended. Alumni memberships must be verified. All outstanding fines must be paid and cleared. A receipt must be shown for all invoiced fines, or payment verified in UAConnect before privileges will be granted.
  • Reference information must be provided.

Reference information for most patrons, would be a business reference (workplace reference), a school reference (current student/faculty/staff from some other school), or a personal reference. A relative is not usually an adequate reference.

If the patron cannot name a reference, library privileges will not be approved.

If the patron is a member of the Alumni Association, verify by examining membership card. If the patron does not have proof of membership, verify by calling the Alumni Association (52801) or checking the Alumni Database file (contained on thumb drive marked “Alumni Membership” in the tray for applications behind the circulation desk).

If membership cannot be verified, do not accept application for privileges.

For either situation below follow the steps that listed:

  1. Patron (non-student / non-staff) indicates that they would like to have library privileges in order to check out materials. (Community Borrower)
  2. The patron is currently enrolled in classes (even for one hour), or is a full time appointed faculty or staff member or is a University affiliate but doesn’t have a record in Sierra.
  • Have the patron complete an “Application for Circulation Privileges”. When completed, check the application for:
    • Legible address/phone information
    • Completion of “New” or “Renewal” & cost information
    • Social Security # or U of A ID # – applicants must submit Social Security number for all applications if they do not have a UA ID number.
    • Reference information
      • Patron must have at least one business, school, or personal reference. The place of employment is sufficient. If they are a member of the Alumni Association, verify membership.
  • Ask the patron if they have a University photo ID.
    • If yes, Record the University ID # on the appropriate space (UniversityID#)
    • If the patron does not have an ID, a Social Security # is required in the "UniversityID#" space.

Remind the patron that a University photo ID will be required in order to check out materials.

  • Check patron identification - Driver's license or other government-issued picture ID. If they do not have identification - do not accept the application.
  • Initial on the application that you have verified photo ID.
  • Verify Patron has signed and dated application


  • Check for an existing patron record in Sierra.

            Remember, even new applicants may have previous student records.

  • If the patron has fines, these must be taken care of, paid and/or cleared before the application can be submitted. This includes invoiced fines. If there are no fines, or fines are paid at the time the application is submitted, initial on "Fines paid" line.
  • If there are fines, make a note on the application. Do not accept an application for a patron with outstanding fines.

Note: for a listing of "Existing Affiliates".


  • Payment for library privileges is accepted by credit card or personal check only. Cash is no longer accepted.
  • All library overdue fines are billed to the student account and payable only at the Treasurer’s Office or electronically through UAConnect.
  • The Circulation staff will continue informing patrons who have fines of their payment status and payment method options. Any override of outstanding fines and replacement fees must be approved by a User Services supervisor and properly documented for Circulation Fines and Billings Processor (Alice Brown) to verify.
  • If payment is required for library privileges, prepare an invoice (LIBRARY PAYMENT FORM), printed forms are located next to PC used for payments, printable document can be located on the StaffGuide or library shared drive (Z:\Forms\Current Master Forms). The “Library Payment Form” is paper clipped to the application and the online payment submission will email the patron a copy of the receipt (option must be selected). (NO FINES PAID HERE).

Collect payment:

  • Accept the patron’s personal check (or) have patron complete online payment process using debit / credit card.
    • Library Payment Form (image below).
      • Indicate payment type (check or charge only).
      • Fill in payment amount ($40.00, $15.00, or $100.00)
  • Attach “Library Payment Form” to patron’s application.
  • If payment is by credit, attach copy of web receipt. (instructions for accepting payment)
  • If payment is by personal check, give the check to Circulation Fines and Billings Processor or place check in safe. If placed in safe, be sure to note on application that check was submitted and is in safe.

Accept patron payment by credit card

  • In handling a patron’s credit card payment, a library staff member will instruct the patron to make payment online then record the receipt number and authorization number.
  • This information will be used as a proof of payment for library services or a library product.
  • The computer used (located next to shared printer in Learning Commons area), should have one of 3 tabs to choose from to make payment. Select the "Google Chrome" icon, once page is open, select tab for patron type. (image below) 

Staff members are advised not to make the online payment for a patron under any circumstance, nor should he/she take a patron’s credit card information during a transaction.

How to accept and verify a payment

  • Ask a patron to complete an “Application for Library Privileges” form.
  • Review to ensure the information is complete and the form is properly signed and dated.
  • Begin a Library Payment Form. Record the: Payment Type, Amount, Patron Name, and Patron ID Number (if one is already assigned). Show the patron the amount payable and the URL for online payment. (Payment Forms are kept next to the computer used for payment)
    • Remind the patron to record the “Receipt Number”, and “Authorization Number” at the end of the transaction.
  • Take the patron to the computer by the Circulation printer and access the payment page. If the page is not open, click the "Google Chrome" icon and depending on the patron type select the appropriate page URL / tab:
    • eCommerce Payment System links: Each patron type has its own page and clickable tab  
      • Community borrower link / High school student link / Corporate borrower link  

*Selectable tabs are saved to the browser, links are custom to the payment desktop only.

Examples and steps follow:

  • Step 1 of 3:
    • Verify the amount and borrower type are correct.
    • Here the patron is asked to enter the cardholder’s first and last name and email address.
      • Note* The email address entered here will be used to send a copy of the receipt electronically to the patron.

*Image depicted is of Corporate Borrower, price will very for whichever tab is selected.

  • Click “Next” to proceed to the next page.


  • Step 2 of 3: (Staff may answer questions, but patrons much enter information on their own behalf.)
    • Here the patron will be asked to enter payment information.





  • Once all information is entered and correct, click "Next".


  • Step 3 of 3:
    • Review the receipt to verify email and all entered data is correct. Record the Receipt Number and Authorization # on the Library Payment Form. Staff should put their initials and date on the form.
    • once all payment information has been completed.
    • Create and "On the Fly" patron account or update the patron's current account in SIERRA.
    • Attach the “Library Payment” Form to the “Application for Circulation Privileges” form. Place the documents in the basket for “Applications & Address Changes”
  • If there are any questions, please ask a Circulation supervisor for assistance.
  • If a patron record does not exist an On-The-Fly record should be created. Read over Create / Update patron record for instructions.

Input or update the patron record.

  • A new patron record can be created "On-The-Fly" by entering or scanning the ID # (or enter Driver License number (DL#) if they don’t have an existing UA ID#, The DL# will be replaced with an UA ID# / Barcode once the account is finalized), and selecting the “circ: Circ Patrons” template. Do not use the patron load template. (image below)

Note: The Social Security number is needed on the application for new applicants that do not have current university ID#.

  • Only one mailing address field is required (permanent or best address to receive mail). Be sure to add e-mail if not already in the system. Insert ID# into University ID field if the patron already has a university ID# assigned. The barcode number is the University ID #. Patron record fields should be typed in all caps; name is last name first, with no punctuation. Insert two spaces between state and zip. Example and image below:

                        n          SMITH JOE

                        a          20 PERSIMMON LANE

                                    MARSHALL AR  72761

                        t           479 575 9999


                        u          009220000       

                        b          009220000

  • When creating a new patron record:
    1. Extend privileges for one week.
    2. Be sure to input the correct patron type
      • Hourly employees are type 8 - affiliated, not 3 – staff
    3. Type the name in all caps: LAST NAME FIRST NAME with no punctuation: e.g.: SMITH JOE.
    4. Enter the email address and DL# and/or ID #. Enter the address (in all caps as well) and phone information.
  • If an existing record is updated, change the expiration date to one week from the current date. If necessary, change the patron type. A former graduate student purchasing library privileges is now a “Community Borrower” (type 10) or if their Alumni membership is current they may apply for privileges as “Alumni” (type 5).

(Image of patron types as seen in SIERRA)

  • Place the application in the basket for processing (generally takes 1 business day).

Patrons will be notified by email once their application has been processed.



  1. Send an email (or letter) to the patron requesting more information. Initial and make note of the date and method by which the patron was contacted at the bottom of the application.
  2. Put message on patron record: "APPLICATION PENDING (REFS)". Set expiration date to current date.
  3. File application in pending file.


  1. Send email (or letter) to patron with information about fines/invoices. Initial and make note of the date and method by which the patron was contacted at the bottom of the application
  2. Put message on patron record:  "APPLICATION PENDING (FINES)". Set expiration date to current date.
  3. File application in pending file.


Sometimes a former student, staff, or faculty will apply for privileges as an affiliate, alumni, or community borrower. There are changes in the level of privileges i.e. checkout time, number of items, what materials may be checked out, etc. The following information applies if items were checked out to the patron before updating the patron type (P-TYPE).

Scenario: A former student applied for privileges as an affiliate or alumni. The patron type is not changed, items were checked out for 16 weeks instead of 4 weeks.

Fix: After the record is updated, check-in the items that had a 16 week loan period and then check them back out, giving the patron a 4 week loan period. Make a note that the loan was changed for # items, and include this information in the patron’s email.

In the event of such a situation, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Change patron type to correct affiliate type (10 Community Borrower, 5 Alumni).
  2. Print list of items with barcode numbers.
  3. Using barcode numbers (or items if available), check in items.
  4. Using barcode numbers, re-check the items to the patron. DO NOT renew the items; renewing the items will reduce the number of allowed renewals for the patron.
  5. Indicate on the application that the loan period was changed for # items, and that the patron was notified. Can attach a print-out of the items to the application.
  6. Email the patron and indicate that the items were checked out incorrectly and that they have a new due date.


  1. Using the UARK email, login to the User Services email account – Circserv. The Circserv password is updated periodically, ask User Services supervisor for current password.
  2. Enter the patron email address in the “To” field. Verify subject line reads: “University Library Privileges”.
  3. Enter the patron I.D. # on the letter and the expiration date (for renewals).
  4. Include other pertinent information if needed.
  5. Check to add Signature file if signature is not already on letter/email
  6. Send email
  7. Record the date email is sent on application (on line for “Mail/Pickup”)
  8. File application(s) for processing

Note: Copies of Circulation letters / notices can be found on shared drive (Z: \\Alexandria\Circulation \Applications for Privileges)

Privileges Chart - physical copy at the desk and available online.

Affiliate and Non-Affiliate Patron List - physical copy at the desk and file below.

Community Borrower Privilegesphysical copy at the desk and available online.


After reading the materials here, if you still have questions about Applications for Privileges OR Privileges in general, refer to webpage ( and please ask a supervisor when needed.


What is ARKLink?

  • A program that grants reciprocal circulation privileges to individuals who are students, faculty and staff at colleges and universities in Arkansas. Patrons must have a valid ARKLink card issued by their home library, and a photo ID.

ARKLink Information:

  • Students are granted privileges on a semester basis.
  • Faculty/Staff on a yearly basis.
  • Photo ID and ARKLink card must be presented to check out items.

ARKLink Reciprocal Agreement

Policies and Procedures

  1. ARKLink Libraries have agreed to honor the ARKLink card. Lending libraries set their own policies and procedures. They may establish different lending policies for the following categories of ARKLink borrowers: undergraduate student, graduate student, faculty, and staff.
  2. ARKLink patrons must present both an ARKLink card issued by their home library and a photo ID to the circulation desk of the lending library. Optionally, an official ARKLink fax request from the home library may be used to authorize the lending library to issue an ARKLink card. No substitutions will be allowed and such a fax must include an approved authorizing signature.
  3. The ARKLink card will include the name of the patron, his/her university ID number, and the code for the sponsoring library, the name of the individual issuing the card and an expiration date. Any individual known to have outstanding charges at his/her home library may be denied the right to participate in the ARKLink Statewide Card program.
  4. Cards will be valid for one semester for students and one year for faculty. Expiration dates shall reflect the school calendar of the home library.
  5. Each participating library will be allowed to set its level of service. All participants will provide circulation privileges and be allowed to establish their own policy regarding number of items checked out and length of loan. Privileges do not include journals, special collection materials, audiovisuals, computer software, anatomical models, reserve materials, or electronic resources restricted by licensing agreements.
  6. Each library will maintain a current record of privileges and limitations applicable to this agreement, including collections or types of materials not subject to the borrowing privileges. This information will be updated annually and provided to all participants via the ARKLink website.
  7. Lending libraries will take available and appropriate actions, including timely notification to the home library, to recover payment or materials from delinquent borrowers.
  8. Home libraries will employ available and appropriate means to recover payment or materials from borrowers if lending libraries are unsuccessful in recovering such charges or materials. Home libraries will take appropriate action with regard to delinquent borrowers, including suspension of privileges extended under this agreement or any other measures deemed appropriate and consistent with local library practice.

Additional information:
ARKLink UARK page
ARKLink Homepage 
Participating Libraries page

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville /     ARKLink Reciprocal Borrowing Policy

Can be found online: (
Additional information can be found: (

The University Libraries at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville participate in the ARKLink Reciprocal Borrowing Program whereby students, faculty, and staff from other academic libraries in the state will be granted circulation privileges.

  • Individuals must present an ARKLink card issued by their home library and a photo ID. Fax authorization will be accepted only if received Monday-Friday between 8am-5pm. Photo identification and the ARKLink card must be presented in order to check out materials.
  • Privileges will be granted on a semester basis for students, and on a yearly basis for faculty and staff.
  • Individuals must complete the University of Arkansas “Registration for Reciprocal Circulation Privileges” form at the main Mullins Help Desk in Mullins Library in order for a patron record to be created to allow checkout of materials.
  • Loan policy for ARKLink borrowers:
    • 28 days (faculty, staff, and students)
    • Maximum of 10 items, books only
    • One renewal
    • Ineligible to recall or place holds on materials
    • Item checked out to ARKLink borrower may be requested by a UAF patron after two weeks. Item recalled must be returned within 7 days. Failure to return materials recalled will result in a block of privileges.

A fee of $35.00 per item will be charged if items are not returned.

ARKLink (non – UARK patron) Procedures:

  • Patron requests ARKLink card from their home library. (Typically done prior to visiting the Arkansas University Libraries (ARKU-LIBs))
  • Patron presents ARKLink card and photo identification to the Mullins Help Desk
  • Patron completes an “ARKLink Registration for Circulation Privileges” form at the Mullins Help Desk.
    • Verify legibility of name, address and Social Security number. Verify status, school information, OCLC code and Student ID #. (2)
  • Initial that ARKLink card and photo ID were verified, and fines checked (if record in system exists).

*Note (1): Student MUST submit Driver’s License number and Valid ARKLink card for privileges.
*Note (2): Link below (ARKLink Member Libraries) can be used to locate OCLC code, but code should be present on ARKLink card.

  • Create or update patron record in Sierra. Search first for an existing record by name.
  • If an existing record exists, and the patron already has a University of Arkansas ID card, he/she may continue to use the card and University ID #, but patron type must be changed to patron type (23). Indicate the University ID # on the registration form. Change the expiration date to one week from the current date. If the patron has outstanding fines at this or any branch library, these must be paid before registration can be accepted (even if billed).
  • If an existing record does not exist: Enter expiration date as one week from present date. Enter the patron type (23), patron’s name (LASTNAME FIRSTNAME) and skip the address and phone number fields. An “on-the-fly” patron record will be created.
  • Inform the patron that the ARKLink card and photo identification will be required to check out materials, and that the patron’s driver’s license number will be used for the patron barcode number.
  • Give the patron a copy of the ARKLink Borrowing Policy (green slip – located at Main Circ desk).
  • Place ARKLink registration forms in the basket for applications & address changes.

Loan policy: (ARKLink patrons)

  • may check out maximum of 10 items, books only (no audiovisual or special materials)
  • have 28 day loan period
  • only one renewal allowed
  • cannot recall or place holds on items
  • are not eligible for Interlibrary Loan

*Note: Patrons that did not call ahead to make arrangements for items housed in the Annex or Special Collections, will have to be accommodated on a case-by-case basis.

Granting ARKLink: (to UofA students / faculty)

  • If a patron would like to obtain an ARKLink borrower’s card from University of Arkansas Fayetteville (UofAF), they will need to request it from the Main Circulation desk.
  • The patron must be a currently enrolled student, or a full time appointed faculty or staff member at UofAF.
    • Students not currently enrolled, hourly or part time employees, and other affiliates do not qualify for ARKLink privileges.
  • Cards (image below) and laminating protectors are located in the bottom drawer under the phone at the Main Circulation desk.

Process (Granting ARKLink Card):

  • Patron presents University of Arkansas identification to staff member (UofA ID required).
  • Staff member verifies patron record and status in Sierra. Patron must have a current record with no fines or outstanding materials. Cards will not be issued to any patrons with outstanding fines or blocks.
  • Staff member completes ARKLink borrower’s card (include information listed):
    • Name (Patron’s name) - as listed on patron record
    • UofA ID Number (Patron’s University of Arkansas ID #) - Write in patron’s ID#
  • Expiration Date: Cards will be valid for one semester for students and one year for faculty. Expiration dates shall reflect the school calendar of the home library.
    • OCLC Code: AFU
    • Signature: Patron’s signature
    • Indicate status on front of card (mark the appropriate box): Student, Faculty or Staff
    • Staff should sign the back of the card under “Authorized by:”
  • Staff member laminates the card, and then gives card to patron.
  • Record patron’s name and UofAF ID # on the “ARKLink Cards Issued - UAF” form located with the ARKLink cards.
  • When using the ARKLink card, the patron must present the ARKLink card and photo identification to lending institution’s library circulation desk. A list of institutions and policies is located on the ARKLink institution’s web page:

ARKLink request off-campus

(UofA Student/ Staff/ Faculty)

In the event that a UofA student, faculty, and/or staff member is requesting an ARKLink card while visiting a participating ARKLink library. The “CIRCULATION VERIFICATION (FAX)” forms are to be used when authorization is requested by another ARKLink library for one of our University of Arkansas patrons. The forms are located with the ARKLink cards at the Main Circulation desk.

  • Fill out the form
  • Verify requesting institutions online using the ARKLink webpage.
  • Fax information to requesting library
  • Email patron to inform he/she that upon returning to UofA campus they should come by Mullins library to receive ARKLink card.

If you still have questions about Applications for Privileges OR Privileges in general, refer to webpage ( and please ask a supervisor when needed.


  • Courtesy overdue reminder notices are sent to all patrons via campus e-mail. However, failure to receive the courtesy notice does not exempt borrowers from fines.
  • The status of checked-out items is available for review online by using "My Library Account" located on the library's homepage or by calling the User Services Mullins Help Desk (479) 575-4104.
  • Overdue fines are not charged if library materials are late, but lost penalties can occur.
  • Charges for damaged books vary according to the amount of damage.
  • Faculty members are billed sixty days overdue, but a fine is not charged.
  • All short-term, hourly, daily, and reserves terms of use have been edited. The maximum fine for these items is now $30.

    The hourly loans have a $3 per hour fine with a one-hour grace period.

    The daily loans have a $3 per day fine with a one-day grace period.

    Recalls should only be initiated by library staff who need materials placed on course reserves. Fines created by failing to return materials requested by library staff should be processed.
  • When materials are thirty days overdue (for all patrons except faculty), an invoice is sent. The amount of the invoice is a fifteen dollar ($15.00) fine for thirty days overdue plus the replacement cost for the book based on average current book prices by subject.
  • Overdue reserve and recalled items may accrue a fine of up to thirty dollars ($30.00) in addition to the replacement fee. All patrons (student, faculty, and staff) are charged fines on reserve, reference and recalled items.
  • All fines and invoices must be paid to the Treasurer's Office or using UAConnect. Patrons who are invoiced for materials are blocked from circulation privileges until materials are returned or the invoice is paid.
  • Questions about an invoice or requests for adjustments are handled at the Mullins Help Desk 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Friday.
  • Returned books that have the status “BILLED” need to be checked in to clear the replacement cost from the invoice. Do not renew books that have been invoiced.
  • A Bursar output tape load is created and sent electronically to the Treasurer’s office each day (usually first thing in the morning). Adjustments for returned billed items, waived fines or reduced fines will be included in the tape load for the following day.Additionally, it is not input into UAConnect until later in the day. Also, an electronic transmission of fines paid at the Treasurer’s office is input daily into the Circulation system.Fines are generally updated the following business day after they are paid.
  • The adjustments to a student’s record in UAConnect do not occur in real time. There is a delay because of the way Sierra and UAConnect currently interact.
  • The User Services Technician in charge of Overdue Materials, Billing & Carrels can communicate with the Treasurer’s Office to expedite an adjustment if there is a pressing need to clear a student (ex. registering for classes, obtaining a transcript).
    • Sometimes, the library can provide a printed a copy of the adjustment on the patron record and the patron can take that documentation (with the invoice number on it) to the Treasurer’s office for a temporary override of the block.
  • Returned books that have the status “LOST & PAID” are not to be checked in and are not cleared in SIERRA.
  • These books have been previously billed and have been marked as paid. Please give these books to the User Services Technician in charge of Overdue Materials, Billing & Carrels to be processed. Patrons are eligible for refunds from bills paid for lost items up to six months after the paid date.
  • Include a note with the name, ID# of the patron who was billed, and the date the item(s) was returned.
  • The User Services Technician in charge of Overdue Materials, Billing & Carrels will call and/or send an email to the Treasurer’s Office to remove the book charges as soon as possible.

When a patron prefers to replace a lost item by supplying a copy rather than being billed:

1. Provide the patron with the information for the copy they would like to replace

  1. Print out the bibliographic record, provide the ISBN, etc.

2.Inform the user that the supplied copy:

  1. must match the item lost (exception: replacement can be a newer edition of the same item)
  2. can be a used copy but must be in “very good”, “excellent”, or “like new” condition
  3. must be free of highlighting or other writing
  4. cannot be a former library copy

3. If the patron is unsure if a specific copy meets the requirements above, encourage the patron to check with one of the User Experience Supervisors or with the User Experience Librarian before they buy that particular copy.

When the patron supplies the replacement copy:

  1. Have the item reviewed by a User Experience Supervisor on duty (or the User Experience Librarian).
  2. If the item is acceptable, print out the patron record from Sierra showing the overdue or billed item.
  3. Print out the copy of the bibliographic record for the item that is being replaced.
  4. Give the item and the printouts to the Circulation Fines and Billings Processor.

Circulation Fines and Billings Processor will update the patron record and give the replacement copy to acquisitions for processing.

  • Report any issues or questions to the User Services Supervisor.
    • - - 
      • 479-575-4104

Student Library Fee

This fee is part of the general fees paid by enrolled students based on the credit hours the student is taking. Assuming the student is taking between 12 – 15 hours, their library fee will be around $33.24 – $41.55.

It is Not a late fee or billed item

You can identify that it is not a library fine or bill for overdue or lost items because our fines and bills almost always end with either $.00 or $.50.

For future information on this and Other General Fees click here.


Community borrowers are members of the general public who are not currently affiliated with the University of Arkansas and are thereby assessed a fee to checkout materials and use interlibrary loan services. The fee is $40.00 per year, payable to the University of Arkansas. Current members of the Arkansas Alumni Association will be issued circulation privileges at no charge.

Community borrowers are allowed general circulating materials for a loan period of four weeks with a limit of ten items at one time. Variations exist in loan periods for special materials. All materials are subject to recall if needed by another person after two weeks. Overdue fines and charges for lost or damaged materials are the responsibility of the cardholder. Failure to make a payment on invoiced materials will result in the blocking or cancellation of privileges. The individual requesting interlibrary loan service is responsible for paying any fees that may accrue as a result of obtaining material from other libraries, returning materials late, or losing, or damaging materials.

The privilege fee does not include remote access to proprietary databases for which the Libraries have contractual agreements. However, individuals may use most databases when present in the library. The application fee can be paid by check or credit/debit card in person to the Mullins Help Desk or mailed in with a check payable to the University of Arkansas Libraries with the application form. We regret that we cannot accept cash payments.

Fee Schedule

General Public

(Arkansas and adjoining states)

$40.00 per year

Includes ILL

4 week check-out/ limited to 10 items at one time

Alumni Association Members

no charge for current members

Includes ILL

4 week check-out/ limited to 10 items at one time

High School Students

Grades 9-12

Washington/Benton County

Parental Permission Required

$15.00 per year


4 week check-out/ limited to 10 items at one time


Corporate (limited to  4 individuals in group)

$100.00 per


Includes ILL

4 week check-out/ limited to 10 items at one time

A one-time fee of $10.00 is required by the University Card Office for an official identification card that must be presented when checking out materials. This card may also be used as a debit card (Razorbuck$) for payment of other university services.

Questions regarding this policy may be addressed to User Services or the head of User Services, University Libraries, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Contact by telephone: 479-575-4104 or email


  • Hourly employees, Chartwell’s employees
  • Members of affiliated groups: campus religious organizations, cooperative extension employees 
  • Faculty/Staff spouses and dependents (must be 16 or older)
  • Alumni Association members (not just alumni)
    • The list can be found on the thumb drive marked “ALUMNT or Alumni Membership” Alumni Membership database flash drive, which is updated periodically. Search the latest file – in excel. Use ctrl+F to search – use patron’s first or last name. If unable to verify membership with a card or in the database, call the Alumni Association at 575-2801. We must verify membership before any changes can be made to patron records.

See list of affiliated organizations at Mullins Help Desk.

Affiliate Table:

These individuals may (or may not) be loaded from the UAConnect affiliate table. If they do not have a record, an application is required.

  • Adjunct / Visiting professors
  • Emeritus faculty
  • Visiting scholars
  • Spring International

Students and faculty from academic institutions outside of Arkansas MUST APPLY for community borrower privileges.


1 Affiliated borrower includes the following:

  • (#7) adjunct/visiting professors, visiting scholars, Cooperative Extension employees
  • (#8) hourly/part time UA staff, visiting students, new students admitted/not enrolled, Students & others granted affiliate status international students/visiting scholars, Clinton School of Public Services
  • (#9) dependents (must be 16 or older) and spouses of university employees
  • (#11) emeritus faculty
  • (#33) Spring International students, Chartwell employees, Genesis, ATTRA members of affiliated groups, campus religious organizations, audit students not enrolled

2 7 day checkout, non-renewable                                                                            

3 A borrower is responsible for paying any fee that may accrue as a result of obtaining materials from other libraries.           

4 3 hour checkout, non-renewable