Scholarworks@UARK: Author Guidelines

The Submission Process at a Glance

Undergraduate honors theses flow chart. OCR PDF version linked below image.

Before You Begin

1. Please Do Not submit your thesis if you:

  • Are planning to apply for a Patent
  • Know that it contains sensitive Intellectually Property

2. If there is more than one author, please designate one person for this process.
3. Have the final version of your thesis in PDF format. Make sure there are no signatures or any other potentially confidential information on the version you will upload to ScholarWorks@UARK. 
4. Have your Title, Advisor/Mentor names, Abstract, Keywords, Disciplines, and any additional files ready.

UHT Self-Submission Walkthrough

STEP 1: Create a ScholarWorks@UARK account.

  1. Go to ScholarWorks@UARK
  2. Click on LOGIN in the navigation bar at the top of the page. 
    ScholarWorks navigation bar with arrow pointing to login link.

  3. Select Sign up next to "Don't have an account?" on the login page. 
    ScholarWorks login screen with arrow pointing to sign up link.
  4. Complete the sign-up form to create your account.  
  5. Confirm your account using the autogenerated email sent to you before continuing. 


STEP 2: Navigate to the page where your Undergraduate Honors Thesis will be posted. Your thesis must be posted to the page of the department conferring your degree.  

  1. Login to ScholarWorks@UARK with your newly created account. There are two options for navigating to your submission page. 

OPTION 1: Using the Submit Your Research button.

  1. Click on the Submit Your Research button in the lefthand navigation column from the My Account login landing page. ScholarWorks My Account landing page with arrow pointing to "Submit Your Research" button.

  2. Scroll through the Submit Your Research page until you locate your College, then School/Department/Program. Click on the relevant Undergraduate Honors Theses link to be taken to the submission agreement form.

    ScholarWorks Submit Your Research Page with arrow pointing to link to sample degree program submission page.

OPTION 2: Using the Colleges and Departments button.

  1. Click on HOME in the navigation bar at the top of the My Account login landing page.
    ScholarWorks My Account landing page with arrow pointing to Home link in navigation bar.

  2. Click on the Colleges and Departments button. 
    ScholarWorks front page with arrow pointing to "Colleges and Departments" button.

  3. Scroll until you locate your College, then School/Department/Program. Click on the relevant School/Department/Program link.
    Screenshot of "Colleges and Departments" page with arrow pointing to link to sample department.

  4. Click on the Undergraduate Honors Theses collection.
    Screenshot of department collections with arrow pointing to Undergraduate Honors Thesis link.

  5. Click on Submit Research in the lefthand navigation column to be taken to the submission agreement form. 
    Screenshot of the navigation pane of the Undergraduate Honors Thesis page with arrow pointing to "Submit Research" link.


STEP 3: Accept the Submission Agreement.

  1. Read the Submission Agreement. It is suggested you print a copy for your records. A copy can also be found here.
  2. Check the box at the end of the agreement to accept the terms. Then, click Continue.
    Arrow pointing to agreement checkbox on the Submission Agreement and arrow pointing to Continue button.


STEP 4: Complete the submission form. For additional details, see Completing the Submission Form below.

STEP 5: Click Submit.

STEP 6: Proceed to Next Steps below.

Completing the Submission From

Required Fields

The following items on the submission form are required. You will not be able to submit your Undergraduate Honors Thesis if any of these items are missing. These items will say (REQURED) next to them on the submission form. 

  1. Title: Copy and paste from the title page of your thesis. It should be entered exactly as it appears in the manuscript of your thesis.
  2. Author: Your information will appear by default. If your thesis has co-authors, only one person needs to submit and add the names of all the co-authors by clicking on the Add Author button.
  3. Alternative Email: Enter your permanent/personal email. The alternative email will only be visible to ScholarWorks@UARK administrators.
  4. Date of Graduation: Provide the month and year you will be graduating.
  5. Document Type: This will default to Thesis. You do not need to change this unless unless advised to do so by your mentor.
  6. Degree Name: Select the name of the degree you are earning. If your degree does not appear in the dropdown menu, please contact for assistance.
  7. Degree Level: This will default to Undergraduate. Do not change this field.
  8. Department: Select the department conferring your degree. This should match the name of the department you are posting your thesis to.
  9. Advisor/Mentor: Enter advisor/mentor name in the format: Last Name, First Name. Please enter only one advisor/mentor and/or committee member/reader per textbox. Use the additional Committee Member/Reader textboxes provided to enter multiple names.
  10. Embargo Period: If you have an embargo, please select the amount of time that you require, but know that the title and abstract will appear in the repository even if you request an embargo. If in doubt, ask your advisor/mentor if you need to embargo your thesis.
  11. Subject Categories: Select 1 to 3 disciplines which describe the subject of your thesis. You may need to expand lists. All available disciplines can be seen here.
  12. Abstract: Copy and paste the full abstract from your thesis. If you do not have an abstract, write a paragraph or two summarizing your thesis.
  13. Keywords: Enter up to 6 keywords or phrases, separated by semicolons. These will help identify and classify your thesis; for example, geographical locations or scientific names not mentioned in your title or abstract might be listed.
  14. Upload Full Text: Attach your PDF file.
  15. Additional Files: This may or may not appear as a required field on your form. If your submission includes supplementary material--spreadsheets, audio clips, or other material that isn't part of the text portion of your work--check this box. If it appears as a required field, check, even if you do not have additional files to submit. You will be able to skip the upload on the following page.

Supplemental Content

  1. If you do not have supplemental content to upload, click on Continue. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
  2. Locate your file by selecting Choose File in the gray Upload a new file box.
  3. Wait for your file to appear under Filename. Please note that media files, such as video or audio, may take some time to upload. 
  4. Provide a description of the file contents in the Description box. 
  5. Checked items will appear with your published thesis. If a supplemental file should not be made available to the public, uncheck the box in the Show column.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Continue once all supplemental files have been attached.
    Supplemental content submission box with arrows pointing to "Choose File" button, Description box, Show checkbox, save button, and continue button.

Next Steps

Congratulations on uploading your thesis!  What's next?

  • Your thesis will be reviewed by your advisor and co-authors (if applicable) to ensure that the version submitted is the agreed upon final version.
    • Every attempt is made to forward a thesis promptly to the faculty advisor for approval and additional requests are made if we have not had a response. Your thesis will not be publicly visible until the submission has been approved by your faculty advisor.
    • You may be asked to make changes. If so, you will be sent an email describing the changes that need to be made. A link to reupload your updated thesis will be included. No need to create a new submission.
  • Once final approval is received, your thesis will be posted. You will receive an email notification when your thesis is approved and when your thesis is posted.
    • If you have an embargo, the title and abstract will be visible once the thesis has been approved. Your full-text submission will not be visible until your embargo expires.
  • Make sure to continually check the email address used to submit your thesis for emails from the ScholarWorks@UARK administrators.