Scholarworks@UARK: Author Guidelines

The Submission Process at a Glance

Undergraduate honors theses flow chart. OCR PDF version linked below image.

Mentor Approval of Honors Theses Walkthrough

STEP 1: Review the email sent by the ScholarWorks@UARK administrator. Click the second link in the email to be taken to the thesis.

Screenshot of email received showing mentor/co-author instructions.


STEP 2: Login using your ScholarWorks@UARK credentials (separate from your university login). If you do not have a ScholarWorks@UARK account, create one at this time. NOTE: You only need to create an account once. Thereafter, you can use it whenever you are asked to approve a thesis.

To create an account: 

  1. After clicking on the link to the thesis, select Sign up next to "Don't have an account?" on the login page if you need to create an account.
    ScholarWorks login screen with arrow pointing to sign up link.
  2. Complete the sign-up form to create your account.  
  3. Confirm your account using the autogenerated email sent to you before continuing. You may need to check your "Junk Email" folder.


STEP 3:  Review the thesis uploaded by the student by clicking on the Download PDF button.

Screenshot of mentor login with red arrow pointing to 'Download PDF' button.


STEP 4: After reviewing the thesis, click on the Submit review button.

Image of mentor login with red arrow pointing to Submit review button.


STEP 4: Submit your report by entering your recommendations and selecting the appropriate radio button. Choose Option 3: Submit your report as plain text unless you already have a report in another format. NOTE: If no changes are needed, please enter No revisions needed so the ScholarWorks@UARK administrator knows you did not accidentally submit your review before completing your report

Screenshot showing Option 3 plain text box and radio buttons with mentor recommendations.


STEP 5: Click Submit Report at the bottom of the screen. You do not need to complete a confidential cover letter.

STEP 6: Receive confirmation of submission both on screen and by email.

On screen confirmation:

Mentor confirmation screen.


Email confirmation:

Screenshot of email confirmation receive by mentor.


STEP 7:  Proceed to Next Steps below.

Next Steps

Thank you for submitting your review. What's next?

  • If you determined that the thesis is ready to post (i.e., no revisions are necessary), you are finished.
    • The administrator will send an approval email to the student. You may receive a carbon copy of this email.
    • The administrator will post the thesis and the student will receive an email once the thesis is posted.
  • If you recommended revisions:
    • The administrator will share your comments with the student.
    • Once the student has uploaded a revision, the administrator will then ask you to re-review and approve the revised thesis.
    • When you agree that the thesis is ready, the administrator will send an approval email to the student. You may receive a carbon copy of this email.
    • The administrator will then post the thesis and the student will receive an email once the thesis is posted.
  • If either the student, co-author, or mentor requested an embargo, the title and abstract will be visible once the thesis has been approved. The full-text submission will not be visible until the embargo expires.