StaffGuide: Content Services

Procedures for Ordering Supplies

  1. Grant Shaw will order paper for the Tech Services copier in GLAD 065.
  2. Grant Shaw also handles supplies for GLAD 165, including special orders. Please contact him if you see we need something.
  3. For items not stocked in the main supplies cabinet, you may also e-mail directly for items costing less than $200.
    1. Our preferred ordering source is the Staples catalog (, or if the item you need is not available, Amazon (
    2. Please supply a screenshot or URL for the item you need, along with any other details. Shipping will need this to order accurately.
    3. For items costing $200 or more, e-mail your supervisor with your request and item details. Your supervisor will forward approved requests to along with the ordering information.
  4. Contact Deb Kulczak when we need to order call number labels, Zebra labels, security strips, media packaging, etc. She will make these requests to libship, as we usually buy in bulk to obtain discounts and authorization will be required.
  5. Send requests for printer toner cartridges to We are gradually phasing out individual printers in the Libraries, so we may be limited to the supply on hand. Do not be surprised if you are told these cannot be ordered.
  6. Barcodes are stored in GLAD 065. Library IT keeps a tracking log, so please send an e-mail to with the date you took them and the beginning/ending barcode numbers.  
  7. Additional information about supplies is maintained in the Cataloging shared folder on Nautilus, sub-folder "Supply folder."