Continuations are a classification of serials which require special check in procedures.
Continuations titles can be identified by these features:
Often, continuations will require you to create an item record. Most will also require a barcode, placed in either the top right-hand corner on the back cover for most items or on an archival flag for ARKCO materials. See the “creating item records” procedures. Most will have an instruction line in the check-in record reading something like this (example from the Razorback yearbook): COUNT. ITEM 36-o.Set trans date=09/25/YYYY.
This instruction note contains several common aspects of the continuation check-in process. "Count" means to count it on the volumes added stat sheet since an item record is being created. "ITEM 36-o" means to set the item record's type to 36 (the code for continuation) and status to "o" (meaning "noncirculating," since the item is going to the Reference shelves).
The "FLAG: LATEST IN REFD" note is a common occurrence in reference-related continuations. This means the latest edition (the one you are checking in) will be sent to the Reference collection, and the next latest will be transferred elsewhere, most likely MAIN. Sometimes this will apply to multiple volumes (i.e. if the latest edition comprises multiple parts). For these items:
Many continuations have wide-enough spines that will allow you to place the call number label on the spine rather than the corner. If so, please place the call number on the spine. This will make the item easier to spot on the shelves.
For continuations, labels can sometimes cover the volume, issue, or date on the piece if that info can be found elsewhere on the piece, such as the title page.
Many continuations will be checked in for MAIN. Bear in mind the labeling instructions for MAIN items.
Also, continuations will often require you to print their call number labels from item records.
More information on labeling can be found on this page.
For continuations going to MAIN, rather than putting them on the processing table, go ahead and finish the processing at your workstation and place them on the departmental pickup shelf.
Many continuations are standing orders, which will require that you notate an invoice upon check-in.
Many continuations will be analyzed titles.
Many continuations will have a frequency of annual (or even further apart, such as trienniel). These will often have boxes setup but only the next expected box will have an expected date. This is because these publications often vary as to when they publish new editions and get shipped to the library, sometimes due to an irregular pub schedule and oftentimes experiencing delays. For these items, always make sure at least one box has an expected date for the purpose of generating a claim, in case we need to follow up with the publisher and/or vendor to obtain the item. You can update the expected date by highlighting the newest received box and the next expected box and check "expected date" and "increment transaction dates" in the Update Boxes as a Group Sierra function (ctrl+u or Tools>>Box Menu>>Update Boxes as a Group). Click OK and Save the Card.
If you receive a duplicate of a previously checked-in continuation (as indicated by the check-in card stating "arrived"), please refer to the page on Duplicate Copies for how to proceed, especially the sections entitled "Duplicate Checks" and "Items in the Library Annex."