StaffGuide: Receiving & Processing

Claim Abbreviations

Claim Abbreviations

Claim Abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
CLM/RVW Indicates research on an expected issue not resulting in a claim.Should include the source of review, such as “per database, EBSCOnet,” etc.    
EBSCONET Electronic claim entered in EBSCONet. Can also be used for information gleaned from service request updates posted in EBSCONet's alerts platform or EBSCONet's title information, such as volume/issue info or publication delays.
EML/CLM Email claims.Should specify contact when necessary.
FAX/PUB or FAX Fax (make sure to include fax number)
FB/CLM Facebook message
FOLLOWUP follow-up on a claim
FOKUS For electronic claim entered via Fokus (Harrassowitz).
PH/CALL phone call (for information purposes)
PH/CLM phone call (for claiming)


Inquiry about a publication or issue to publisher or vendor without actually claiming it. Good for index or volume/issue related questions.
SPEC/LTR or CLM/LTR Special letter.Good for claiming historical society titles.
WEB/CLM Claiming through an online contact form.
WEBSITE For info extracted directly from the publication website.


Response Abbreviations

Response Abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
CLM/RPT  Claim report.A good catch-all for a variety of responses, but should specify the source, such as when info is from a new contact, or phone vs. email response, etc.
EML/RPT Info received from pub via email in response to claim.Please include email address of sender.

Info received from pub via fax in response to claim.Please include fax number of sender.

HARR/RPT Response from Harrassowitz (usually an e-mail from a rep).
PUB/RPT Message received from pub not in response to a claim, but with info regarding the publication status or something similar, possibly indicating a future need to claim. “FYI” messages.

Claim Notes

Claim Notes:

1. In Sierra, with Claiming mode activated (Ctrl+L or Tools > Card Function > Claim), make sure the box that you want to claim is highlighted and click “Claim One” at the top ("Claim All" if claiming multiple issues).

2. A pop up box will appear. In that box, enter the appropriate abbreviation.

3. Go into the check-in record and under the parameters add a note:

  • The note will always contain this info first: NOTE | Abbreviation [the same as entered in step 2] | (date/initials) | volume/issue number and/or cover date.
  • If damaged or skipped, add that or any extra information.
  • Example of a claim note. Note the key elements in it: abbreviation, date and initials, issue numbers and cover dates (go to the page on item record creation for a chart with cover date abbreviations used in these notes), indication that it's damaged, and response from Harrassowitz:

Example of a claim note in a check-in record

  • Unless it contains information that we decide to keep permanently as a 5-dash note (for example, if the issue is out of stock and we end up having to bind the volume incomplete), the claim note will be deleted once the issue is received and checked in.

4. If you do not claim but only send a request for info, add a note saying PUB/INQ or EML/INQ (date/initials), volume/issue number, who you contacted and their contact info, and what information you requested.

5. 5 dash notes (-----) are permanent notes and are not to be deleted.

6. Asterisk notes are there to grab your attention. These may be deleted at some point when no longer necessary.