StaffGuide: Receiving & Processing



Sometimes we will need to transfer past volume(s) to a new location. For example, when the latest volume of a title arrives then the past volume(s) needs to transfer from the old location (for example: Mullins Help Desk) to the new location (for example: Main Library).


  1. After checking in the latest volume, locate and retrieve the past volume(s).
  2. Past volume(s) needs the following:
    1. The item record location and status of the past volume need to be reviewed and possibly changed.
      1. For example: Location: from "REF" to "MAIN". Status: from "non-circulating=o" to "available= -".
    2. Relabel the past volume by reprinting call call number label from the item record and make sure the new label has the new location on it. In pencil, cross out the old location on the receipt label that is on the past volume and rewrite the new location.
    3. Count the transfer in LibInsight. See StaffGuide about Statistics and Working with LibInsight.
    4. Past volume can now go on the appropriate pick up shelf in Content Services.


Titles going to MAINA:

  • Some University of Arkansas publications will be kept in the location called MAINA. At least the current 2-5 years (depending on shelf space) of each serial title will be kept here.
  • The MAINA collection is located on the 4th floor of Mullins Library.
  • All yearbooks (The Cardinal and The Razorback) will stay in MAINA. These will never transfer to STORM unless we absolutely need room on the MAINA shelves. However, if we need more shelf space in MAINA, please ask the appropriate subject selector and University Archivist if it would be okay to transfer a few duplicate copies of certain years to STORM before doing anything else or finding a different solution.
  • MAINA Status = "-" (Available).
  • All older copies of each title will transfer to STORM. The Receiving Specialist will check on this in the summertime every year (1x a year). During the transfer project, spacing on the shelves will always need to be kept in mind.

Labeling Maina volumes:

Items going to MAINA should adhere to the labeling guidelines for MAIN items.

List of MAINA titles:

  • See spreadsheet below.