StaffGuide: Receiving & Processing

Create Lists Function

This section includes an introduction to the claims lists used by the Receiving Specialist in order to run searches for items that might need to be claimed as well as a guide on how to run the lists.

  1. In Sierra, change the function to "Create Lists".
  2. The Serials Department has 6 lists for claims.
    • List 30: EBSCO Claims xx/xx/xx
    • List 31: HARR Claims xx/xx/xx
    • List 32: Misc Claims xx/xx/xx
    • List 33: Gift Claims xx/xx/xx
    • List 34: Paid Exch Claims xx/xx/xx
    • List 35: Depository/Free Exch Claims xx/xx/xx

To run a list (search for possible claims):

  1. Create list using existing lists each week.
  2. Select the claims list you want to search for possible claims.
  3. Select the "Search Records" button and select "Edit existing query."
  4. The previous search criteria for each list will load. Change the dates in both the lists' names (will need to be manually typed) and in row 4 under the Value A column (can be typed or click anywhere in the field and hit "t," which will automatically convert it to today's date).
  5. Make sure the most recently-added check-in record shows in the "Stop" field in the upper right. This can be done by hitting the "c" key in the field in the Sierra Client or by selecting it from the drop-down menu in Sierra Web. This will ensure all check-in records in the system are searched.
  6. If for some reason your search criteria gets wiped, see the following screenshots for how to re-enter it:
    1. EBSCO: EBSCO create list criteria
    2. HARR: HARR list search criteria

How to use EBSCOnet and Fokus

**NOTE: For gift claims and exchanges follow the same procedures but you will usually send emails/letters. You may have to do some research if the information is out-of-date or email bounces back.

Claiming Function

Set the Sierra function to Claiming.

  1. Change “RANGE” in left corner to “REVIEW”.
  2. Choose the claim list that you want to work with. You can stop at any point and return where you left off.
  3. While in the check-in function, you can access the claiming function by pressing Ctrl+L while in the check-in card. This is useful when running into a situation that requires a claim during the check-in process, most commonly claiming for a damage replacement or skipped issue.
  4. Here is a screenshot of what the claiming function looks like, and some key features:
  5. When pulling up a record in the review file, the red box marked “late” will be selected. There will sometimes be multiple boxes. These are the boxes that qualify for claiming as specified by the parameters.
  6. With the box(es) selected, select “claim one” (or “claim all” for multiple issues) to claim the issue(s). Note that this only tells Sierra that the item has been claimed. You will still need to utilize one of the vendor platforms if it's a Harrassowitz or EBSCO claim, or claim directly with the publisher via e-mail, phone call, etc. See the links in the previous box for specific steps for the various types of claims with vendors and publishers.
  7. After selecting “claim one,” this box will appear:                                                                                                                 claim box
  8. Enter the appropriate abbreviation for the claim type in the note section and then your date/initials. Copy this note.
  9. Paste the note into the check-in record under parameters. Then, enter the issue you are claiming in abbreviated form. State if it is skipped or damaged. Paste or summarize any responses or updates from the vendor or publisher. As the claim progresses, the note should look something like this (note that it contains claim type, date/initials, issue info, and a status update from Harrassowitz in that order): claim note with response