StaffGuide: Alma / Primo

1. Add Location

Done by: SysAdmin

  1. Access Alma Configuration using the gear in the lower left corner.
  2. Inside Alma Configuration select the Library to which the location is to be added from the dropdown (locations must be added to a library and not to “the University of Arkansas.”)  
  3. Select Fulfillment Configuration menu, Locations, Physical Locations
  4. Select the option to Add a Location.  
  5. Code should always be in ALL CAPS and start with the name of the library.
  6. Type is generally Open
  7. Fulfillment Unit will determine broad loan rules.
  8. Call Number type is generally LC.  
  9. Once the new location has been added, it's necessary to edit the location. Select the more actions menu for the new location and select "Edit".
  10. Use the edit menu to add a Circulation desk associated with the collection. Without a Circulation desk it won't be possible to circulate or set items into Transit. If the location should be suppressed from Discovery, select that button. Select Save to close the edit menu.

2. Configure Fulfillment

Done by: SysAdmin

After creating the location, it is necessary to ensure that the location is associated with the correct Terms of Use (TOU's) for Loans and Requests. For a Fulfillment Unit like "Non-Circulating" most locations will fall into the default Terms of Use and no further action may be needed. For all other Fulfillment Units, proceed to the Fulfillment Configuration to select the correct TOU's.

  1. From the Configuration menu select the owning library. and select the Fulfillment Configuration menu, Fulfillment Units
  2. Select the appropriate Fulfillment Unit which will take you into edit mode.  Under the Fulfillment Unit Locations, the new location should already be associated with the Fulfillment Unit.  
  3. To associate the new location with the correct TOU's, select the Fulfillment Unit Rules tab. Review each of the rules with which your new location should be associated – there may be multiple rules for students and faculty, for instance.   
    1. First review the Loan rules tab.  
    2. And then the Requesting Rules tab.  

      While you can review the TOUs in the Fulfillment Unit view, you cannot edit them.   
      If a new TOU needs to be created to handle and exception for your new location, you will need to add that in Fulfillment > Terms of Use and Policies. 
  4. Check your work by adding an item to the location. Use the Fulfillment Configuration Utility to check whether the correct TOU's are associated with the item/patron combination.


Done by: SysAdmins, ILL  


  1. Adjust as needed the queries that create the publishing sets for RAPIDILL for print.  You want to include the new location in the appropriate lending category / set for both journals and books).   
  • Rapid_Books_Print_LendableInternational (print books have no restrictions on international lending so no need for a county file))  
  • Rapid_Books_Print_LocalOnly
  • Rapid_Journals_Print_LendableInternational ( print journals have no restrictions on international lending so no need for a county file)
  • Rapid_Journals_Print_LocalOnly
  1. Adjust the mapping file at RAPID ( download, edit, and re-upload.  Done monthly by BJ.

4. Primo

Done by: SysAdmin

Check Discovery for any needed changes in public-facing names, GES rules for links to “Get it / View it,” or sets creating collections.

5. Caiasoft

Done by: LINX admin

Send email to to inform LINX of any additions to Caia locations that might needs to be added to the Caia Administration > Manage Collections & Circulation.  

6. StackMap

Done by: Stacks

Inform of any new location codes and names to be added to StackMap (Main and Fine Arts locations).  

7. Aeon

Done by: Special Collections

Inform of any new locations that might require changes in Aeon mapping.  

8. Document New Location

Done by: Metadata  


Send a note to to have the location added to StaffGuides at 


Metadata posts to ISC and Content Services teams regarding the new location.


9. Analytics

Done by: SysAdmin

Check Analytics Objects and reports for any needed  updates (for example reports that rely on a list of locations for analysis).