In Alma, creating brief bibliographic records is also known as "Quick Cataloging." This process is used most often for adding a personal copy to Alma for a course reserves location.
Roles Required
Physical Inventory Operator
How to Add a Personal Copy
Never attach a personal copy item to an existing full catalog record.
- Place a barcode on the item to be added.
- Go to Fulfillment > Scan in items > scan in barcode and click OK to make sure the barcode does not already exist on the system.
- Click Create item.
![Create a new item from scan in items](
- Choose Holdings type New and type Book (usually).
Setting the type Book will create a physical item.
![Seeting holdings type on new items](
- Resource Information: Required fields
- Title
- Publication Date
- Call Number
- Note: For Personal copies, the public note format is
- YYYY-Fall/Spring/Summer-InstructorLastName-Personal copy
Example: 2022Fall-Parry-PersonalCopy
- UNCHECK suppress from Discovery
![Required resources fieds in brief bibs](
- Resource Information: Recommended fields, if you have them
This will aid in searching in OneSearch
- Author (last name, first name)
- Edition
- Publisher
- Item Information: Required fields
- Location: once location is selected the other fields are editable
- Barcode
- Material Type – usually Book
- Public Note
- For Personal copies, the public note format is
- YYYY-Fall/Spring/Summer-InstructorLastName-Personal copy
Example: 2022Fall-Parry-PersonalCopy
Keeping the note format consistent will help us gather these items / bibs later for withdrawal
![Required item fields in breif bibs](