StaffGuide: Alma / Primo

Adding Brief Bibs for Course Reserves

In Alma, creating brief bibliographic records is also known as "Quick Cataloging."  This process is used most often for adding a personal copy to Alma for a course reserves location.



Roles Required

Physical Inventory Operator 

How to Add a Personal Copy

Never attach a personal copy item to an existing full catalog record.   
  1. Place a barcode on the item to be added.  
  2. Go to Fulfillment > Scan in items > scan in barcode and click OK to make sure the barcode does not already exist on the system. 
  3. Click Create item.  
    Create a new item from scan in items
  4. Choose Holdings type  New and type Book (usually). 
    Setting the type Book will create a physical item.
    Seeting holdings type on new items
  5. Resource Information: Required fields
    • Title
    • Publication Date 
    • Call Number  
    • Note:  For Personal copies, the public note format is 
      • YYYY-Fall/Spring/Summer-InstructorLastName-Personal copy 
        Example: 2022Fall-Parry-PersonalCopy 
    • UNCHECK suppress from Discovery 
      Required resources fieds in brief bibs
  6. Resource Information: Recommended fields, if you have them
    This will aid in searching in OneSearch
    • Author (last name, first name) 
    • Edition
    • ISBN
    • Publisher 
  7. Item Information: Required fields
    • Location: once location is selected the other fields are editable 
    • Barcode 
    • Material Type – usually Book 
    • Public Note 
    • For Personal copies, the public note format is
      • YYYY-Fall/Spring/Summer-InstructorLastName-Personal copy 
        Example: 2022Fall-Parry-PersonalCopy 
        Keeping the note format consistent will help us gather these items / bibs later for withdrawal  
        Required item fields in breif bibs

Withdrawing Biref Bibs / Personal Copies

Roles Needed

Physical Inventory Operator > Extended

How to Withdraw a Brief  Bib and Item

  1. Look up Physical Item > Barcode.
  2. Click the ellipses > and withdraw to withdraw the item. 
    Item record withdraw button
  3. You will see a confirmation message – click confirm
    Confirm item withdrawak
  4. If the item was the last one in that holding location or the last one attached to the bibliographic record, you will then be prompted to deal with the holdings and bib records.  In most cases, you can click Delete Holdings and Bibliographic Record if that was the only copy of this title and this edition.