Alma Analytics makes library data available as report,dashboards, or visualizations. Reports can also be added as widgets to your Alma home page. Ex Libris has created many “out of the box” reports and we are building a library of custom reports.
Reports and dashboards shown on your Analytic page are dependent on your Alma roles.
Widgets shown are dependent on your Alma roles.
There is a need for meaningful and consistent file naming. Using consistent language, schema, and version control is essential.
Guidance from multiple cultural heritage and higher educational institutions stresses the following,
There are several ways to file name, but the two that are the most consistent, easy to use, and don't lead to possible path errors are,
The following recommendation is advised for those creating Analytics folders, sub-folders, reports, widgets, and dashboards in the future,
If you have any questions when naming your files, please do not hesitate to contact Michele Reilly at