StaffGuide: Alma / Primo

Moving Items to a Temporary Location

For course reserves, exhibits, or ILL loans to other libraries, move the items to a temporary location. 

For items in Hand / Small Number of Items

For only a few items, use the scan in / change item information process to move to a temporary location.  See the Ex Libris Knowledge article for more details. 

  1. Make sure you are "at" a desk that has the ability to move items to the temporary location. For example, to move items to Main Reserves you will need to be at the Main User Help Desk. 
  2. Go to Fulfillment > Scan in items
  3. Choose the tab for Change Item Information
  4. Change type is Temporary
  5. Set the temporary location.
  6. (optional) Set the date you want the item to move back to its permanent location
    This date does not automatically "move" the item back to its permanent location. 
    Instead, it creates a request on the item and adds it to a pick list to be moved back.  Use this option if you want to see a pick list task to pull items from the reserves shelves or from an exhibit. 
  7. "Check Requests" means that Alma will check for any outstanding work orders or patron requests on the item.
  8. Then scan the barcode. 


For Large Sets of Items

For large numbers of items you can create a set and then run a Change Physical Items Information job can be run on that set.  
Note that the Change Physical Items Information Job requires the high-level role or Repository Manager or Repository Administrator. 

This job is so limited because it has the ability to wipe out holdings records if all items in a location are moved. 

  1. Create your set of items through a search or by uploading a set of barcodes. 
    How to creating an itemized set from a list of barcodes:  
  2. Run the Change Physical Items Information job OR send a ticket to to have the job run for you. 


Restoring Items to Permanent Locations

For Items in Hand / Small Number of Items

  1. Go to Fulfillment > Scan in items
  2. Choose the tab for Change Item Information
  3. Change type is Restore
  4. "Check Requests" means that Alma will check for any outstanding work orders or patron requests on the item.
  5. Then scan the barcode. 
  6. Depending on your desk location, the item may go in transit to the permanent location. Print the transit slip and place the item in the bin for transport to its home library.  At the home library, a scan of the item will take it out of in transit and make it ready for shelving. 

Using "Monitor Requests & Item Processes"

If an item has been given a "due back" date when moved to its temporary location, Alma will place a request on the item to move it into a work order process when the due back date has been reached.  You can view items in this process with the appropriate request operator roles:

  1. Go to Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Monitor Requests & Item Processes
  2. Filter for Request/Process Type > Restore Item

If you see items in this status for a long time you may wish to investigate and restore them to their permanent locations.  
You can perform  the same  “Change item information” scan to Restore items to their permanent locations. 

Bulk Restore

Care shoudl be taken with Bulk Restore to ensure that items are not, for instance, still out on loan to another library.

For large numbers of items you can create a set and then run a Change Physical Items Information job can be run on that set.  
Note that the Change Physical Items Information Job requires the high-level role or Repository Manager or Repository Administrator. 

This job is so limited because it has the ability to wipe out holdings records if all items in a location are moved. 

  1. Create your set of items through a search or by uploading a set of barcodes. 
    How to creating an itemized set from a list of barcodes:  
  2. Run the Change Physical Items Information job OR send a ticket to to have the job run for you.