Unlike most of our e-book collections, OverDrive includes popular fiction, poetry, and juvenile works.
OverDrive uses an app called Libby for e-book access. Individual registration with your @uark.edu email address is required.
Most OverDrive books can be downloaded to your ereader such as a Kindle for offline reading.
OverDrive books are purchased in several ways:
Most are in OneSearch.
Most titles are licensed for 1 user at a time.
Yes, sign up for your OverDrive library card using your uark.edu email address/
Most books may be checked out and downloaded for up to 14 days. You may have up to 3 books checked out at once.
The Libby App does not provide for printing.
Most books may be checked out and downloaded for up to 14 days. You may have up to 3 books checked out at once. You cannot download a book indefinitely.
Use the Libby App for OverDrive access.
Most books may be checked out and downloaded for up to 14 days.
All about getting the Libby App, creating and using your OverDrive library card, and downloading to your ereader.