StaffGuide: Content Services Work Study & Hourly Employees

Newspaper Check-In Overview

Newspaper Check-In Overview:

  • Acquisitions is responsible for receiving newspapers, prepping them, checking them in, counting them, and delivering them to Multimedia.
    • The checking in of newspapers is done by the Content Services Work Study & Hourly Employees. When Content Services Work Study & Hourly Employees are unavailable, the Receiving Specialist will be the back up for checking in newspapers.
  • IMPORTANT: Newspapers have high priority over daily duties and projects. Please process the newspapers as soon as possible.

This newspaper guide contains information about: 

  1. Overview
  2. How does Content Services receive newspapers?
  3. Claimed newspapers
  4. How to prep the newspaper and newspaper supplement
  5. Examples of newspaper supplements
  6. How to check in the newspaper in Sierra
  7. How to check in The New York Times in Sierra
  8. How to check in Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette in Sierra
  9. How to label the newspaper and newspaper supplement
  10. How to count the newspaper
  11. Deliver the newspaper
  12. Receiving Specialist: The New York Times Book Review

For a complete list of newspaper titles received by serials, see the excel spreadsheet linked at the bottom of this newspaper guide.

Receiving Newspapers

How does Content Services receive newspapers?

Newspapers are sent to Content Services in 3 ways:

  1. The newspaper courier will place The Wall Street Journal, Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette, and Barron's in the book drop closest to the shipping and receiving tunnel. Then User Services/Shipping & Receiving personnel will deliver the newspapers and Barron's to Acquisitions by placing them on the Content Services table or placing them on the Serials mail cart.
  2. Pick up 3 copies of The Arkansas Traveler from the West Side Mullins Library Lobby or The Union.
  3. U.S. Postal service (mail cart)
    • ​​

  1. Book Drop Newspapers: User services personnel will retrieve the newspapers from the library book drop, bring them to Serials, and place them on the Content Services table. The newspapers usually arrive in Content Services within 24-120 hours after the newspaper was delivered by the paper couriers. Sometimes the book drop newspapers will be placed on the Serials mail cart and be delivered in the afternoon. If you suspect that the book drop newspapers are extremely late (after a week or longer), please send an inquiry to the Receiving Specialist to look into it. Also we receive Barron's as a book drop copy.Barron's will not be processed as a newspaper. Please follow the instructions on how to process Barron's found in the "How to prep the newspaper and newspaper supplement" tab.
    1. The book drop newspapers are:
      1. The Wall Street Journal
      2. Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette
    2. We also receive Barron's as a book drop copy.
  2. Pick up copies of The Arkansas Traveler from the West Side Mullins Library Lobby or The Union:
    • The Arkansas Traveler
      • Monthly during the fall and spring semesters.
      • Pick up 3 copies.
      • Please do not place this title on the Serials processing table to be prepped.The Receiving Specialist will check in this title only.
  3. Mailed Newspapers: Shipping and Receiving personnel will place newspapers delivered by the U.S. Postal Service on the Serials mail cart.
    1. Some Titles include:
      1. National Papers: The New York Times (paid subscription), The Washington Post, The Christian Science Monitor Weekly (looks like a magazine but it is treated as a newspaper).
      2. Foreign Papers: Die Zeit, and The Guardian Weekly (looks like a magazine but it is treated as a newspaper).
      3. State Papers: Times Record (Fort Smith, Ark.).

**PLEASE NOTE: Do NOT place The Washington County Enterprise Leader on the Serials processing table. If you see this newspaper on the Serials processing table, please give this to the Receiving Specialist for check in.

The general rule is, if it is not listed on the newspaper list as a newspaper, then do NOT treat it as a newspaper and give it to the Receiving Specialist .

Claimed Newspapers

Claimed Newspapers:

  • Student workers: If the newspaper your about to check in is claimed for, please do not prep and check in the newspaper. You will deliver the claimed newspaper to the Receiving Specialist.
  • Most of the time, a claimed newspaper will be mailed to us in a large envelope from the publisher. If you notice this, just deliver the newspaper and the envelope to the Receiving Specialist Also keep in mind that majority of claimed newspapers have old dates on them. For example, if you receive an April 5th newspaper on June 10th, most likely it was claimed for.
    • Another way you can tell the newspaper was claimed for is if the box in the check in card has a box status of "late #" or "claimed #" in Sierra.
  • The Receiving Specialist will resolve the claim and proceed to prep, check in, and deliver the newspaper.

Prepping Newspapers and Newspaper Supplements

Prepping Newspapers: 

  1. Upon arrival of newspapers
  2. Lobby copy basket
  3. Treatment of newspaper supplements

  1. Upon Arrival of Newspapers:
    • Newspapers will be placed on the Content Services table.
    • Some newspapers and Barron's (NOT A NEWSPAPER. PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO HANDLE BARRON'S.) will need to be unwrapped or taken out of their plastic bag.
      • Book drop plastic bags: Give to Beth Juhl in MULN 216C.
      • Other kinds of newspaper plastic bags: Please recycle these bags.
        • Examples of plastic bags: The Wall Street Journal plastic bag Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette plastic bag, The Washington Post bag.
    • Sort the newspapers by title order (alphabetical) and date order (chronological from latest to earliest).
    • Makes sure that each newspaper's sections are in alphabetical order (i.e. Sec. A, B, C or section title).
    • Make sure that each section has the correct date on it. Sometimes the papers can get mixed. This is rare but be on the lookout for that!
  • Recycle television guides/TV weeklies and ads.HOWEVER, please read the exceptions:
    • EXCEPTIONS: Give the Receiving Specialist coupon booklets found in the Sunday edition of the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette. Coupon booklets will be placed in the Staff Lounge.(P&G savers (actual coupons for health, beauty, food products, pet food products, etc) and not the department store ads (AT&T, CVS, Kohls, Target, Verizon, Walgreens, Walmart, etc).
    • If unsure if it is something to discard or treat as a newspaper supplement, please ask your supervisor.​

          2. Lobby Copy Basket

  • Do not forget to check the lobby copy basket on the Serials processing table. You will most like find The New York Times lobby copy and the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette lobby copy.
  • Please follow the instructions on how to check in The New York Times and the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette in the "How to check in The New York Times in Sierra" section and the "How to check in the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette in Sierra" section.
    • ​If you notice that the newspaper has a mailing label on it but you found it in the lobby copy basket, then it is not a lobby copy. It is a mailed copy. Keep in mind that Saturday and Sunday editions are most likely mailed copies.
  • We keep track of lobby copies and mail copies of the New York Times and the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette by indicating in the staff note of the box if it was a "lobby copy" or "mail copy" and add our date and initials to the staff note.
    • If you notice that we have a lobby copy and a book drop copy of the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette, please choose the most perfect copy out of the 2 copies and place the other copy on the duplicate newspapers stack on the cart closest to the Serials processing table.

While prepping the newspapers you might find newspaper supplements within the newspapers.

         3. Treatment of newspaper supplements:

  •  General rule: Please read and follow the instructions for each newspaper title on the newspaper list (a copy of the list can be found on the Serials processing table and a digital copy is found at the bottom of this tutorial).
  • How to handle periodicals found in newspapers that you will give to the Receiving Specialist:
      • The New York Times Book ReviewRemove The New York Times Book Review from the Sunday edition of The New York Times. DO NOT staple, security strip, and property stamp the book review. Deliver to the Receiving Specialist who will check it in on its own separate check in record.
      • Barron’sRemove Barron’s from The Wall Street Journal or its plastic bag.
          • If Barron's comes in a plastic bag, please throw the plastic bag away.
          • Do not staple, security strip, and property stamp Barron's and deliver to the Receiving Specialist who will check it in on its own separate check in record.  (Note: Barron’s is not classified as a newspaper).
      • Walmart Shareholders Meeting: Remove the Walmart Shareholders Meeting from the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette and deliver to the Receiving Specialist who will check it in on its own separate check in record. This supplement comes out annually around the time of the Walmart Shareholders meeting (End of May into 1st week of JUNE).

  • How to handle the rest of the newspaper supplements: 
    • Here are some examples of newspaper supplements: ParadeWhat's UpWashington Post Local Living Guide, Washington Post Real Estate GuideWashington Post Weekend Guide, The New York Times Magazine, Wall Street Journal Magazineetc.
    • Do not property stamp and security strip the newspaper supplements.
    • Do not staple the newspaper supplement.
    • Print out extra labels to place on the newspaper supplement. Only use the call number label (smaller label) for newspaper supplements.
      • Make sure the supplement labels match the labels for the newspaper being checked in. Make sure the dates match, etc).
    • Do not create supplement boxes or additional boxes for the supplement in the check in card.
    • Do not count the supplement on your work done statistics sheet. You will only count the newspaper you checked in.
    • After labeling is done, place the supplement inside of the newspaper it came with. Make sure the supplement(s) are not sticking out of the newspaper.
    • If you have a question about a particular supplement, ask your supervisor. Also if you have a question about a particular supplement, consult the Newspaper check-in record for supplement notes or ask a coworker if you are still unsure.

Once all of the newspapers and their supplements are prepped, then you are ready to check in the newspapers in Sierra.  

Examples of Newspaper Supplements

Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette newspaper supplement example:

  • What's Up
    • More Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette newspaper supplements: Fall Football Preview, Parade, Salute to Farm Families, Your Health.
    • NOTE: Please do not treat the Walmart Shareholders Meeting as a newspaper supplement. This will be given to the Receiving Specialist to check in. This publication is usually found during the last week of May or the 1st week of June each year.

The Wall Street Journal newspaper supplement example:

  • Wall Street Journal Magazine

The Washington Post newspaper supplement example:

  • Washington Post Local Living 


  • More Washington Post newspaper supplements: Book WorldParade, Washington Post Real Estate, Washington Post Weekend.


Die Zeit newspaper supplement example:

  • Die Zeit Magazine


How to Check In the Newspaper in Sierra

Things to remember:

  • Please make sure you are checking in the newspaper on the correct check in record. Always make sure the title in the bibliographic record matches the title printed on the newspaper. If the title on the newspaper doesn't match the record you are on, you are probably on the incorrect record or the newspaper has gone through a title change. If you think the newspaper has gone through a title change, please let the Receiving Specialist know about it.
  • Always make sure the check in card box matches the newspaper in hand.
  • Always make sure the cover date, title, and receipt date on the labels match the cover date and title printed on the newspaper before labeling the newspaper. If they do not match, then figure out why.
  • Do not create a box or supplement box for newspaper supplements.
  • If you are uncomfortable with checking in multiple newspapers, then check in each newspaper one at a time.
  • If you run into any problems while checking in the newspapers, please let your supervisor know.

How to check in the newspaper in Sierra:

  • Search for the journal title in Sierra. Change your search criteria to (s) journal title.
    • ​Tips: Try searching for: Northwest arkansas demo, N Y times, pine bluff commWSJ, zeit.
    • Tip: You must search for "Christian science monitor weekly" for the right record to show up in the search.
    • Tip: It is okay to omit "the" and other articles while searching.
  • The newspaper check in will have a location of "pers".
  • If you are checking in The New York Times and/or Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette, please follow the check in instructions in the following tabs: called
    • "How to check in The New York Times in Sierra".
    • "How to check in Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette in Sierra".
  • Double check the dates of your newspaper your about to check in. Go to the check in record with the date range (Identity field) your newspapers correspond with.
    • For example, if you are checking in March newspapers, look for the check in record that has a date range of "Jan-Mar". If you have April newspapers, look for the check in record that has a date range of "Apr-June".

The check in card:

Do NOT proceed to check in IF:

  • The newspaper must match the box and vice versa. If it doesn't match, please let your supervisor know. If you are a Serials Specialist, please resolve the issue and proceed to check in.
  • If the newspaper your about to check in is claimed for, please do not check in the newspaper and deliver it to the Receiving Specialist. If you are a Receiving Specialist, please resolve the claim and proceed to check in.
    • ​The status of the box says "late #" or "claimed #".

Checking in a single newspaper:

  • Double click on the highlighted box that you want to check in.
  • Add your (date and initials) to the "Staff Note" and click "OK".
  • Make sure the same box is highlighted then either click on the "Check In" button or press [Ctrl] + [C] at the same time and release the buttons.
  • Either it will automatically check in or the box window will pop up and you click "OK".
  • To save your work:
    • Press [Ctrl] + [E] at the same time and release the buttons.
    • click "OK".
    • Click "Save" at the top right side of the window.
    • If you are done with the check in record, please exit out of the record.

Checking in multiple newspapers:

  • Click and drag from the box you want to start checking in to the last box you will check in.
    • If you don't have all the papers in a consecutive order, then you can click, hold down [Ctrl], and continue to click on all the boxes you will be checking in.
  • To add your (date and initials) to the "Staff Note":
    • press [Ctrl] + [U].
    • Add your (date and initials) to the "Staff Note".
    • Click "OK".
  • Make sure all the boxes you wanted to check in are still highlighted.
  • Proceed to click on the "Check In" button or press [Ctrl] + [C] at the same time and release the buttons.
  • Either it will automatically check in or the box window will pop up and you click "OK".
  • To save your work:
    • Press [Ctrl] + [E] at the same time and release the buttons.
    • click "OK".
    • Click "Save" at the top right side of the window.
    • If you are done with the check in record, please exit out of the record.

How to check in The New York Times in Sierra

How to check in The New York Times in Sierra:

If you are checking in The New York Times:

  • We receive two kinds of copies of The New York Times newspaper:
    • LOBBY COPY: Serials picks up a lobby copy (Monday-Friday, fall-spring semester only. No lobby copies are available during holidays, breaks, and the summer). Remember that lobby copies are received daily (Monday-Friday) and come much faster than mail copies.
    • MAIL COPY: Also Serials will receive a mail copy from the U.S. Postal Office. This is the copy we pay for. Remember that by time we receive our mail copy, it is probably out of date. We receive mail copies much slower than lobby copies.
  • The New York Times has one check in record to keep track of what papers were received:
    • We keep track of lobby copies and mail copies of The New York Times and the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette by indicating in the staff note of the box if it was a "lobby copy" or "mail copy" and add our date and initials to the staff note.
      •  Example: "Mail copy (Date and your initials)" or "Lobby copy (Date and your initials)".
      • Example of checking in a mail copy:
      • Example of checking in a lobby copy:
    • Remember, if we do not receive a lobby copy, then we must check in the mail copy in the newspaper copy check in record!!!!!
      • ​For example: The March 22 mail copy needed to be checked in because the library was closed on Friday, March 22 and we did not have a lobby copy for that day.

Check in card:

  • If the cover date and enumeration in the box does not match the newspaper, please ask your supervisor about it. It must match exactly!
  • Do not create a box or supplement box for newspaper supplements.
  • Please follow the general instructions and guidelines in the "How to check in the newspaper in Sierra" section.

The New York Times Statistics:

  • If you check in a copy, count as a 1 paid newspaper for each newspaper you check in.
  • Do not count newspaper supplements.

How to Check In Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette in Sierra

How to check in Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette in Sierra:

If you are checking in Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette:

  • We receive two kinds of copies of the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette newspaper:
    • LOBBY COPY: Serials picks up a lobby copy (Monday-Friday, fall-spring semester only. No lobby copies are available during holidays, breaks, and the summer). Remember that lobby copies are received daily (Monday-Friday) and come much faster than mail copies.
    • MAIL COPY: Also Serials will receive a mail copy from the U.S. Postal Office. This is the copy we pay for. Remember that by time we receive our mail copy, it is probably out of date. We receive mail copies much slower than lobby copies.
  • The Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette has one check in record to keep track of what papers were received:
    • We keep track of lobby copies and mail copies of The New York Times and the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette by indicating in the staff note of the box if it was a "lobby copy" or "mail copy" and add our date and initials to the staff note.
      •  Example: "Mail copy (Date and your initials)" or "Lobby copy (Date and your initials)".
      • Example of checking in a mail copy:
      • Example of checking in a lobby copy:
    • Remember, if we do not receive a lobby copy, then we must check in the mail copy in the newspaper copy check in record!!!!!
      • ​For example: The March 22 mail copy needed to be checked in because the library was closed on Friday, March 22 and we did not have a lobby copy for that day.

Check in card:

  • If the cover date and enumeration in the box does not match the newspaper, please ask your supervisor about it. It must match exactly!
  • Do not create a box or supplement box for newspaper supplements.
  • Please follow the general instructions and guidelines in the "How to check in the newspaper in Sierra" section.

Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette Statistics:

  • If you check in a copy, count as a 1 paid newspaper for each newspaper you check in.
  • Do not count newspaper supplements.

How to Label the Newspaper and Newspaper Supplement

Label for newspapers:

Checked in newspapers receive one type of label

  • Call number labelThis label has the location, call number, and item identifier (usually date or volume/issue) printed on it.

Labeling the newspaper:​

  • The label will always go on the top of the 1st section of the newspaper or the front cover of the newspaper. The label should go in the top right corner but sometimes you have to put it somewhere close to the top right side. If you are unsure, please ask your supervisor.
    • Do NOT cover the newspaper's cover date and the newspaper's enumeration.
    • Do NOT cover article titles and. images pertaining to articles/news.
    • It is ok to cover advertisements and the newspaper title.
    • It is okay to cover the mailing label.
  • If needed, it is ok to cut the label in order for them to fit in the blank spaces anywhere towards the top of the 1st section of the newspaper or the front cover of the newspaper.
  • Always be careful and thoughtful about where you will place the label on the newspaper. Once the label goes on the newspaper, it is hard to undo this. If you try to take the label off the newspaper, you risk destroying the newspaper in the process.
  • Make sure that the correct label goes on the correct paper before placing the label on the newspaper. If you placed the wrong label on the wrong newspaper, then reprint the label from the check in card and cover up the wrong label on the newspaper.

Labeling the newspaper supplement:

  • You will reprint the label from the check in card. You will only use the call number label for newspaper supplements. Make sure the label is the same label of the newspaper it goes with.
    • For example, if you have an March 22 newspaper and it came with a newspaper supplement, then you will reprint a label from the March 22 box.
  • The label will always go on the top left corner of the front cover of the newspaper supplement. The label should go in the top left corner but sometimes you have to put it somewhere close to the top right side. If you are unsure, please ask your supervisor.


How to Count the Newspaper

Newspaper statistics:

  • You will count/tally every newspaper you check in on your "Serials work done" statistics sheet.
  • On the sheet, you will either count the newspaper as "paid" or "gift".

Paid or Gift?

  • Paid: the SCODE2 fixed field is "-" and their is a VENDOR code in the the VENDOR fixed field.
  • Gift: the SCODE2 fixed field is "g" and the VENDOR code is "none" in the the VENDOR fixed field.

The New York Times and Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette Statistics:

  • Please see the "How to check in The New York Times in Sierra" section and "How to check in the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette in Sierra" section on how to count the statistics for these titles.

Deliver the Newspaper

Time to deliver the newspapers:

  • After prepping, checking in, labeling, and counting, please place the newspaper(s) on the Multimedia Periodicals pick up shelf in Content Services. The newspaper(s) will then be picked up by the Multimedia staff. If for some reason you have a cart or more worth of newspapers, please deliver the newspapers to Multimedia staff at the Multimedia Desk.

If you have any questions about processing newspapers, please ask your supervisor.

The New York Times Book Review

Guidelines for the Receiving Specialist on how to process The New York times book review: 

  • The Sunday edition of the The New York Times contains the The New York times book review and will be checked in on its own separate check in record. This copy of the book review is considered the Newspaper copy.
  • Also we receive a mail copy of the The New York times book review.This copy of the book review is considered the mail copy.

Two check in records for the The New York times book review:

Newspaper copy (came from the Sunday edition of The New York Times): Will be checked in for PER.Please follow the instructions in the check in record accordingly.

Binding copy (mailed paid subscription copy and did not come from a newspaper): Will be checked in for BIND and routed. Please follow the instructions in the check in record accordingly.