Email Alerts: Keeping Up With Your Field

Current awareness tools and strategies to stay on top of new publications


Provider: Ebsco

Service name: My EbscoHost / Search Alerts

Ebsco allows you to set up a personal account. With your personal account, you can save search results, persistent links to searches, search strategies, search alerts, journal alerts and web pages to your personal folder.

To create an account:
  1. From the Sign In to My EBSCOhost Screen, click the “Create a new Account” link.
  2. The Create a New Account Screen displays with Personal  Account entered in the Account Type field.
  3. Fill in the fields on the Create a New Account Screen. When you have completed the fields, click Continue.
  4. If all the information was accepted, a message appears  that provides your user name and password. Click OK. You will be automatically logged in as a personal user. You should note the user name and password you created so you can log in at a future session.
To create search alerts:
  1. On any search results screen, click the “Create Alert” button next to the search menu. (If you have not already logged into your personal  account, you will be prompted to log in.)
  2. Choose Subject name for the notification emails. (For example, mysearch1)
  3. Choose the format and frequency of email alerts (default is once a day).
  4. To modify how long the alert will run for, click “Advanced Options”
  5. To save the search, click Save; otherwise, click Cancel. You will be returned to the Search Screen.
  6. You can retrieve your saved searches and alerts and edit and reuse them by logging into "My EbscoHost."

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