Email Alerts: Keeping Up With Your Field

Current awareness tools and strategies to stay on top of new publications



Ulrich's Alerts    

Ulrich's Alerts allow you to be notified of new journals or title changes of journals published broad subject areas.

  1. Login to your Ulrich’s Account, or register one if you do not have an account already.
  2. Once you’ve logged in, click on the “Workspace” button, then click on the Alerts tab.
  3. Click the “Create Alert” button.
  4. Select which topics you wish to receive alerts for, as well as what type of Alerts you want: Ceased, New Titles, and/or Title Changes. All Subjects is an option when selecting which areas you want to get alerts about.
  5. Once you have your Alerts set up how you want them, click Save.

You can always return to the "Ulrich's Alert Alert" page to edit or delete searches.