Email Alerts: Keeping Up With Your Field

Current awareness tools and strategies to stay on top of new publications



FirstSearch does not yet send email alerts. However, in WorldCat and most other FirstSearch databases, you can create saved searches to be re-run or combined with other terms. This is a good method to check for new books on your topic.

  1. On the top menu bar of any FirstSearch page, click the "My Account" link. Login to your account. If you do not have an account, click the “New User Registration” link.
  2. Once you have created an account and are logged in, perform a search.
  3. On the search results screen, click the link to Save Search.
  4. From that point on, whenever you are in FirstSearch and have logged into your account, you will see a "Previous Searches" tab. Click on the tab to rerun your saved searches, combine them with new terms, or to try the same search in a different FirstSearch database.