Email Alerts: Keeping Up With Your Field

Current awareness tools and strategies to stay on top of new publications

NASA Astrophysics System (ADS)

NASA Astrophysics System (ADS)

There are several options for alerts:

  • daily updated from arXiv
  • weekly updates for specific citations
  • weekly updates for specific authors
  • weeklu updates for keywords
  • a general search alert

For all alert types but the general search alert

  1. Create a free ADS account, if you do not already have one.
  2. Select Account and Settings.
  3. Select Notification Settings and MyADS
  4. Complete the alert form.
    New results will be emailed on the alert schedule.

For general search alerts

  1. Log into your MyADS account.
  2. Perform a new search.
  3. While on results page, expand "Create email notification" menu.
  4. Add a name and frequency.
  5. Click "Create".