StaffGuide: Research Services in Special Collections

Week 1: Orientation

Ashton's To-do List:

1. Meeting with Emily 

  • Goals
  • SSA registration
  • Reference Training Q/A

2. Tour of SC

3. Choose a task

Sophie's To-do List:

1. Meeting with Emily 

  • Goals
  • SSA registration
  • Reference Training Q/A

2. Tour of SC

3. Choose a task

Week 2

Ashton's To-do List:

1. Proxy research assignment

2. Ask Sophie a reference question on a topic of your choosing (send via email). Questions don't have to be specific but you should know your information need. The person acting as the Librarian may need to communicate with you more than once to clarify your research need (this is normal!). Questions should be answerable by using materials from SC. Research and provide an answer Sophie's reference question to you. Respond as if you are the librarian and Ashton is the patron.

3. Choose a task:

  • Training in A/V conversion with Emily or Casiday
  • Learn about A/V archivist profession, A/V archivist professional organizations (see AMIA)
  • Begin research and outlining for blog post
    • Blog post topics: For April: Environmental history (re-release of Ken Smith Papers, David Haenke Collection on Applied Ecocentrism), May: Asian and Pacific Islanders month

Sophie's To-do List:

1. Ask Ashton a reference question question on a topic of your choosing (send via email). Questions don't have to be specific but you should know your information need. The person acting as the Librarian may need to communicate with you more than once to clarify your research need (this is normal!). Question should be answerable by using materials from SC. Research and provide an answer Ashton's reference question to you. Respond as if you are the librarian and Ashton is the patron.

2. Artist book retagging (Joshua)

  • Spend some time looking through them. Could potentially become a blog post?

3. Choose a task:

  • Medieval studies libguide conversion (Joshua)
  • Blog post topics: For April: Environmental history (re-release of Ken Smith Papers, David Haenke Collection on Applied Ecocentrism), May: Asian and Pacific Islanders month, or artist books (if needed)
  • Read SC Collection Development guide

Week Three: Reference +

Ashton To-Do:

1. Work on Blog Post

2. Evaluate and edit the LGBTQ+ Histories guide (prepare to transition to new template)

3. Work on Sophie's question (please forward last week's transactions to me).

4. Pick a task:

  • Help Casiday with scans
  • Continue with AV archiving training
  • Pick an images from Digital Collections to turn into a button

Sophhie To-Do:

1. Work on Blog Post

2. Evaluate and edit the Painted and Illuminated Manuscripts guide (prepare to transition to new template)

3. Work on Ashton's question (please forward last week's transactions to me).

4. Pick a task:

  • Pick an images from Digital Collections to turn into a button
  • Make buttons

Week Four:

Ashton To Do:

  1. Tour LINX and Preservation
  2. Work on blog post for May
  3. Work on locating resources for Medical History Research Guide

Sophie To Do:

  1. Tour LINX and Preservation
  2. Meet and greet with Katharine Chandler at LINX
  3. Work on blog post
  4. Work on Manuscripts Research Guide