Access to Unprocessed Collections Policy and Procedure
If a patron requests access to an unprocessed collection, follow this procedure:
- Add the request informtion to the Requests to Access Unprocessed Collections spreadsheet.
- Find the the unprocessed collection's accession file in the ArchivesSpace staff UI. You may need to review the physical file too (contact Juliette at GLAD).
- Determine the following:
- Does the collection have a processing priority number assigned (see: Collection Management section)?
- Is there an inventory of boxes and/or contents?
- Are there any notes about restrictions or condition of the collection or specific materials that would prevent access to portions or all of the collection?
- If you answered yes to no. 1:
- contact the appropriate processing unit (see "Processors" in the expanded Collection Management section) to determine when the collection is scheduled to begin processing and if there is enough time to grant access before processing begins.
- If it's determined the collection cannot be accessed, report this to the patron and provide an estimate of when the collection might be available to researchers in the future.
- If you answered no to question no. 1:
- Proceed with screening activities.
- If you answered yes to question no. 2:
- attempt to use the inventory to determine which materials should be screened first.
- If you answered no to question no. 2:
- if there is no inventory, skim through a few sample boxes to determine which boxes to screen.
- If you answered yes to question no. 3:
- Attempt to locate those materials during screening activities. Ensure restriction status and condition descriptions are current/accurate
- attempt to remove or exclude restricted or unstable materials if access is granted. Removal should be simple/reasonable and should not exceed the allotted 1.5 hours of screening and research assistance allowance.
- If an entire collection has been restricted, report this to the patron.
- If access can be granted, proceed with requesting and appointment workflows per usual.