The Vertical File was boxed and transferred to LINX in preparation for the renovation. To request a folder, open the linked spreadsheet below and copy the barcode for the correct box. The boxes are organized alphabetically. You'll create a new request manually in Aeon by pasting the barcode in the barcode field, copy and pasting the title of the box in the Title field, identifying the Collection Type as Vertical File, and calling the box over by adding the SC in the Delivery Stop field and STOR in the Offsite Location field. Save the request and print the callslip to initiate the transfer.
Notes on Florence Price Collections:
When referring a patron to Katrina Windon:
Notes from Geoffery 5/19/21:
Restriction Notes:
It's useful to check these resources for digitized copies of rare books before digitizing a book from Special Collections:
The Rare Books Librarian created a research guide:
Notification of Intent to Publish:
Fulbright College controls access to the New York Post Archive. Contact information below:
For more information:
Some broadsides were cataloged before ArchivesSpace was capable of listing child-level barcodes. In those instances, the DH numbers of the containers were used instead of barcodes.
If a request comes through with a DH number instead of a barcode: