Student Worker Workflow for Creating Access Copy PDFs:
- Check the truck behind the student desk in the reading room. All items on this truck are ready to be scanned.
- Review the callslip for each item to confirm what needs to be scanned. Double check each field on the callslip and each component of the folder or item you are scanning to ensure you are scanning the correct material.
- With the Aeon call slip as the first page, scan the order on the photocopier in Special Collections. Select the appropriate paper size and orientation. Use all other default settings.
- Email the file to yourself from the photocopier.
- Review the file, ensure all pages were scanned legibly, and rescan pages as needed.
- When scanning is complete, rename the file in this format: mc#_box#_folder#_item# (if series # is necessary, add it before box#; if there is no item#, do not include it)
- Example: mc468_box13_folder4
- Example: msR19_box4_folder2_items4-9
- Example: TX715_S65_2013 (do not use periods in filenames)
- Create a patron folder in Research Services> Reproductions> Access Copies using the patron's full name as the directory name.
- Save the scanned file in the patron's newly created directory.
- Complete transaction processing by following steps 9-11 in the "Preparing Copy Orders for Scanning Access Copies PDF"
Questions, problems, or issues with the photocopier? Please check in with your supervisor!