StaffGuide: Research Services in Special Collections

Clearing Users

Users should be cleared upon their first visit to the Reading Room.

Clearing the user indicates the staff member has reviewed the provided information and the user's ID.

In addition, Aeon will prompt staff to review user information and make any necessary updates once a year. Users requesting photocopies or digital reproductions should not be cleared.

To clear a user:

  • Open the user record.
  • Review the researcher's ID.
  • Review the information provided and select the ID type that corresponds with the ID the user presented. Save the record.

After reviewing the researcher's ID and provided information, click on the process ribbon, and select clear user.

aeon screenshot: clear user

Research Services Desk Rules

Signing Users In

Each individual researcher should be signed in to the reading room at the first of every visit, before any materials are checked out to the researcher.

To sign the researcher in, search for the researcher's name, open the user record, and click the sign in button. Make sure to check out all material request(s) used by the researcher during the visit.

screenshot of aeon sign user in

Signing Users Out of the Reading Room

When the researcher is ready to leave, check materials back in or place them on hold before signing the researcher out.

To sign the researcher out, navigate to the Aeon home screen and right click on the user's name. Click sign out user.

aeon screenshot: sign user out

If the researcher has materials checked out, Aeon will prompt the staff member to review the status of these requests. All materials should be routed to the reshelving queue or placed on hold when the patron leaves. Do not leave materials checked out to researchers who have been signed out of the reading room.

aeon screenshot items checked out prompt

Paging Tasks in the Aeon Client