StaffGuide: Aeon Information for Staff

This guide provides workflows for staff as they use Aeon in Special Collections.

Naming Conventions for Activities

To facilitate data analysis, Special Collections uses the following internal naming conventions for activities:

Instruction sessions:

  • 2020 Fall: American History Survey II (year semester course title)


  • 2019: The Art of the Book (Year Event title)

Digital Projects:

  • 2020: Fulbright Group 1 (Year Project Group #)

Donor Engagement:

  • Include donor’s last name or organization name


  • 2019: The Art of the Book (Year Exhibit title)

Digital Projects

Each group of material sent to DSD for a digital project will be treated as its own activity. Append “Group #” to the end of the activity title to help DSD staff process the requests.

Creating an Activity

To create an activity, click on the activity button on the Aeon dashboard. Enter information about the activity, following activity naming conventions described on this guide.

aeon screenshot: creating an activity

To associate a user with the activity, click on the users tab inside the activity, search for the user to be added, and drag and drop the user name from the search results to the associated users column.

At least one Special Collections staff member should be associated with each activity. In addition, researchers may also be associated with an activity if needed.

aeon screenshot: associating users with an activity

There are three methods for adding requests for materials to an activity.

The first option is to upload as spreadsheet with requests directly from the requests tab in the activity. Refer to the instructions on the batch requests page on the guide for additional information:

The second option is to open a request placed by a a user already associated with the activity in the Aeon staff client. In the request for drop down menu, select the activity and save the request.

aeon screenshot: activity request in client

The third method is to place a request in the Aeon webpages. Before submitting the request, scroll down to the request information section of the page. In the dropdown menu under request for, select the activity, and submit the request. This is the easiest method for non-Special Collections staff researchers to place requests for activities.

aeon screenshot: activity request from web pages