StaffGuide: LibApps Guide

Guidance and tips for working with Springshare LibApps

Add Guide Types, Subject Associations and Tags

Star icon: best practiceBest practice: Add appropriate category, subject associations, and tags  to your guides to allow us to call them into the main web site and other areas.

  • Guide Types are a limited number of categories of guide (set by Springshare)
  • Subject Associations are controlled vocabulary terms (set by Web Services)
  • Tags are free-text terms (set by you)

Guide Groups

Most guides belong to no group

Special guide groups have been created for 

  • StaffGuides
  • CUARCL Guides
  • Special Collections Guides

To give them a special look and feel, to collect them together easily, or both. Only certain LibGuides authors have permissions on these guide groups. 


Guide Type

LibGuides has set types of guides. These replace the tags we formerly used, such as classguide, subjectguide, etc.

These categories are set by Springshare but perhaps in the future we can edit them:

  • Instructional Resources (unfortunately listed first but should be rarely used)
  • Course Guide (specific classes or programs)
  • Subject Guide (topic or research area)
  • Database Guide (how to, overview)
  • Template Guide (not used)

Add Subject Associations

Subject terms are controlled vocabulary terms designed ot match up with other areas of the website. 

Before you assign your guide to someone else's subject area, it is a good idea to check with them, first.

To associate your guide with a subject:

  1. Click on the editing pencil next to Subjects. Add Subjects or Tags
  2. Search for Terms to add.

You can remove assigned subjects by clicking the X next to any subject.

Note that it may take Research Guides up to 6 hours to update subject categories with newly-assigned guides.

Need a new subject? Contact Web Services.

Adding Tags

Tags are free-from words or phrases that can improve the "searchability" of your guides. It is no longer necessary to limit tags to one word.

Best PracticeBest Practice:
Don't replicate subject terms as tags. Instead, think of synonyms or specific terms to improve findability. 

To add tags to your guide:

  1. Click on the editing pencil next to Tags. Add Subjects or Tags
  2. Search for Terms to add or add your own.

You can remove assigned tags by clicking the X next to any tag.

Note that it may take LibGuides up to 6 hours to update tag indexes.