StaffGuide: LibApps Guide

Guidance and tips for creating and maintaining your content

Gallery Box

Gallery Boxes (examples below) allow you to create a simple slideshow of

  • images
  • book covers
  • databases
  • LibCal events

These types of slides can be mixed together.


Images should be used with care due to accessibility issues.

  • take care that the caption text has enough contrast to the background image
  • take care that forward and backward arrows do not fade into the background image (the arrows are light grey)
  • provide an adequate description in your caption for screenreaders
  • consider providing the same information in a rich text / standard box.

Gallery Sample Box: LibCal Events

OpenAthens Updates

For library staff: Come learn about the changes in remote authentication for library resources; what we've done so far and what is left to be done. …

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020
2:00pm - 3:00pm
220Q Mullins Library (capacity 10 people), 220Q Mullins Library (capacity 10 people)
Staff Training

March Madness - LibGuides Edition

For this week's March Madness: learn about basic accessibility guidelines and how to make your LibGuides accesible to all.  Please big a tablet or laptop if you want to follow along. …

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020
3:30pm - 4:30pm
220Q Mullins Library (capacity 10 people), 220Q Mullins Library (capacity 10 people)
Staff Training

March Madness - LibGuides Edition

For this week's March Madness: Making your guides sustainable by reducing, reusing, and recycling content.    Please big a tablet or laptop if you want to follow along. …

Wednesday, Mar 11, 2020
10:30am - 11:30am
220Q Mullins Library (capacity 10 people), 220Q Mullins Library (capacity 10 people)
Staff Training

Sample Gallery Box: Databases


This business and trade database indexes and offers full text for U.S. and international academic and trade journals covering business and economic conditions, accounting, finance, corporate strategies, management techniques, as well as competitive and product information.


The essential index for the field of economics. Provides citations for economic research in journals, books, collected volumes dissertations reports and other scholarly material.

Mintel Reports: Academic Edition

Provides detailed reports on marketing, advertising, product category trends, and consumer attitudes, as well as financial and company data, including recent mergers and acquisitions.

Gallery Sample Box: Images

OpenAthens Login: Choose UARK

OpenAthens Login: Choose UARK

OpenAthens Login: UARK login screen

OpenAthens Login: UARK login screen

Gallery Sample: Books

Brill's New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World

15 + 4 v.

Dictionary of the Middle Ages

13 v.

Encyclopedia of the Renaissance

6 v.

Europe: 1450 ‐1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World


Cassell's Companion to Eighteenth Century Britain