Just provide several keywords that would help for library cataloging and database searching. If at all possible avoid using your degree as a keyword; that is actually provided in a different area in the record when it is complete.
In 2010, Graduate School started using ProQuest’s Electronic submission (ETD) system, and more and more students are submitting their T/Ds online, these T/Ds would be available online within one month after the Special Format Cataloging Unit approves and delivers them via ETD system.
We are still working on this availability.
PQDT is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. It includes:
The full text of all UA dissertations from 1989 to the present. For older UA dissertations (earlier than 1989), only abstracts and citations are available. The earliest UA dissertation (with abstract, no full-text) in ProQuest is a 1913 dissertation.
The full text of all UA theses from August 2006 to the present.
In addition, Special Collections have sent some older Arkansas related dissertations (earlier than 1989) and theses (earlier than Aug. 2006) to ProQuest for digitization, so the full-text of these titles are also available in the Database.
Some dissertations and theses (T/Ds) have embargo period requested by authors, so the full-text of these T/Ds is not available online during the period. There are notes on these cataloging records reminding patrons of the fact.
See also the information about PQDT on the Libraries’ website at https://search.proquest.com/pqdtglobal/index?accountid=8361
b = In Process. (The copy is on the shelves outside the cataloger’s office. Each semester’s manuscripts are arranged alphabetically by author’s last name)
e = Bindery Prep. (It is in the Binding. Ask Binding if you need this copy.)
f = Bindery. (This copy has been sent off to Binding company and is unavailable.)
u = UMI-In Process. (The copy has been sent off to ProQuest for digitization and is unavailable)
j = On Internet. (The Internet copy is available online)
o = Noncirulating. (The copy has been cataloged and is available either in Special Collections Storage off campus (Location: Lisas) or Special Collections Dept. (Location: SPCOT or SPCOD)
exd 12/05 rev12/06rev7/11 ; ccm 8/14; jwd 2/15
Workflow for Processing Theses and Dissertations
Graduate School sends a pdf scan of the submission form and IP form to Cataloging
Collates & reviews; emails Graduate School with any problems; Enters brief bib record and one item. Another item may be added if Special collections request a cotton paper copy. *If patent is pending, brief bib and paperwork goes into locked cabinet until Tech. Licensing Officer releases them.
Cataloging compares and corrects the T/D title lists that Grad. School sends over for each semester.
Student submits his/her T/D online via ProQuest’s Electronic submission system, it would be available online within three weeks.
Copy 1 (Internet copy, CD/DVD) |
Copy 2 (Archival Copy, on cotton paper, only if Special Collections requests this copy) |
Cat. creates Inter item, with status code b, and location Inter |
Cat. creates Lisas item, with status code b, and location Lisas. Puts on shelf. Then catalogs |
Cat. puts forms for student in file folder for library records. |
After URL added to bib record, Cat. changes item status to e, delivers to Binding |
Cat. sends electronic submissions each time a TD is ready for review unless Patent Pending. |
Binding sends to Bindery; when returned, changes item status to b, barcodes, and sends to Cat. |
Published online, Cat. Changes item status to j, add URL and embargo information. |
Cat. assigns T/D numbers, changes item status to o, and sends to the Head of Tech. Service. Cat. Changes Item Location to SPCOT/SPCOD for Arkansas related T/Ds, and sends to Special Collection Dept. |
Processing Theses/Dissertations
Theses/dissertations (T/Ds) are submitted by the student to the UMI Administrator Tool and then the Graduate School sends a pdf copy of the submission forms to the library, at this time it is being sent by email. They need to be processed as soon as possible; at least the following steps 1-4 should be done within three days after we receive them. Contact Michelle Bachelor in the Graduate School (mbachelo@uark.edu, telephone: 575-6607) if there are problems with the manuscripts.
The student is required to submit a pdf copy of his/her thesis/dissertation to the UMI Administrator tool online.
If supporting documents are submitted on a CD/DVD, this needs to be sent to ProQuest to be uploaded and attached to the documents in their database.
Subject: Possible IP claim - [author’s name] Hi, Mark(Lisa)! We have a new IP thesis/dissertation just arrived but there is no signature of TLO Officer. Author: Bielke, Lisa Renee Title: Evaluation of non-chemical treatments… in poultry Advisor: Billy Hargis Department: Poultry Science Graduate date: December 2006
Can you please confirm its status for us? Thanks very much.
Half title page
Title page
*Approval page (see the note below)
Copyright page
Duplication release form (only for cotton copy)
Correct amount of page numbers
*Note: on the approval page, the cotton paper copy should have original signatures of the committee members (most of the TDs will not have a cotton paper copy, and the Graduate school has taken responsibility for the signature page).The electronic copy MUST NOT include the signatures.
Publishing options are on the UMI Administration tool so no need to worry about payment, but check for copyright page.
II. Adding Brief Records in Sierra
Create 1 brief bibliographic record and 1 item record for the internet copy. Adding an additional item record for the cotton paper copy for Special Collection later can be done.
To create the brief record, log in to Sierra. Click New button, a window of thesis bib template (choose the RDA version) will pop up, allow you to fill the following fields:
100 = Last name, first name |d year of birth |e author (this must match the form on the authority workform, or already in the local authority database)
Example: 100 1# Kluttz, Kathryn|q(Kathryn Marie),|d1978-|eauthor
Don’t include additions to people’s names here, such as “Jr.”, “Sr.”, or a previous degree “B.A.”
100 Author Main Entry
Search in Sierra for author’s authority record, if found, use this
If not found, create an authority record on a workform using the information on title page and submission form. Here is an example:
100 1 Kluttz, Kathryn $q (Kathryn Marie), $d 1978-
400 1 Kluttz, Kathryn Marie, $d 1978-
670 Effect of UFOs on sugarcane growth . . . ,2005 : $b t.p. (Kathryn Kluttz, M.S., U. of Ark., 2005) ; submission form (Klutzz, Kathryn Marie, Jan 16, 1978)
Note: remember to put your initial and date created on the right top of the workform.
245 = Title (take from title page) and statement of responsibility
Example: 245 10 Effect of UFOs on sugarcane growth :|ba study /|cby Kathryn Kluttz
Don’t include designations of previous degrees after the author’s name, even when they appear on the title page. However, in 245 |c you may include “Jr.”, “Sr.,” “III”, etc.
Pat pends: do not enter title. Enter only “PATENT PENDING” in the 245
Indicators: 1st indicator =1 if 100 field exists;
2nd indicator = the # of non-filling characters. For examples:
2nd indicator = 1 if a title starts with “
2nd indicator = 2 if a title starts with the article A
2nd indicator = 3 if a title starts with the article An
2nd indicator = 4 if a title starts with the article The
264 = date of graduation
Example: 264 [Fayetteville, Arkansas]|bUniversity of Arkansas, Fayetteville|c2005
No need to type the field since it is generated by template automatically, remember to change the year in the template accordingly
300 = Physical description Examples:
300 220 leaves :|billustrations ;|c28 cm
300 220 leaves :|billustrations (some color), maps ;|c28 cm
300 220 leaves :|billustrations ;|c28 cm. +|e6 maps [Use this for separate maps that are not included in thesis, add a 500 note. i.e., 6 folded maps are inserted in the back pocket]
300 220 leaves :|billustrations ;|c28 cm. +|e1 CD-ROM ([37] slides ; 4 3/4 in.)
300 220 leaves :|billustrations ;|c28cm. +|e1 mp3 file (13:59 : digital)
500 = Month and year of graduation.
Example: 500 “December 2005”
No need to type the field since it is generated by the template automatically, remember to change the year in the template accordingly
502 = Dissertation note (See Table of Graduate Degree Programs and Degrees). Examples:
502 |bM.S.|cUniversity of Arkansas, Fayetteville|d2005
502 |bPh.D.|cUniversity of Arkansas, Fayetteville|d2005
Please watch the degree designation carefully. Sometimes the student has made a mistake and puts “Master of Science” when they really received a “Master of Science in Electrical Engineering.” The engineering theses are especially problematic in this way, for some reason. If you think the degree designation is incorrect, email Michelle Bachelor (mbachelo@uark.edu) in the Graduate School and ask her what the degree is supposed to be (she will fix the degree in the PDF)
504 = Bibliography note (take from scrap sheet). Examples:
504 Includes bibliographical references (leaves 218-220)
504 Includes bibliographical references
Use the latter note if references appear in several different places
690=Local subject heading for Advisor
690 Advisor: Adams, Glynn P
690 Advisor: Mantooth, H. Alan, 1963-
This field always begins with the word “Advisor:”, followed by the TD Director
This information should come from the Title page. The name provided on the Title page needs to be checked against the OneSearch authority file to see if it matches the heading for the advisor/director. If you cannot find the authority record for the advisor or you aren’t sure, check with a cataloger.
690 = Local subject heading for department. Examples:
690 Dept.: History.
690 Dept.: Electrical Engineering.
The field always begins with the word “Dept.:”, followed by the department’s name
The information should come from the Library Transmittal Form. The department indicated on the form by the student must be checked against the OneSearch authority file to see if it matches the heading for that department. Do not simply take it from the transmittal form, as it is often abbreviated on the form. Also be careful to get the most “recent” version of the department heading when necessary–for example, Geology and Geography are not valid for recent theses; they have merged into Geosciences. Look at the authority record for this information. If you can’t find an authority record for the department or aren’t sure, check with a cataloger.
Be sure to save changes you have made. (Ctrl S)
III. Adding Item Records in Millennium
Click on the Summary tab and then Attach New Item, the system will prompt you to select template for two item records:
1st Item Record:
2nd Item Record: (Only if Special Collections wants a cotton paper copy)
IV. Labeling and Shelving
Only the Submission Form and Intellectual Property Form are filed in an accordion file with the graduating semester, year and format of the TD, either Thesis/Masters or Dissertation/Ph.D.
If a copy is in CD/DVD format, check the supporting documents (1 title page, abstract, table of contents, and specifications of hardware and software versions if applicable). They should be put in an 8.5 X 11 envelope with the CD/DVD.
V. Patent Pending Theses/Dissertations
VI. Count Statistics
Record under “New Manuscripts Accepted & Processed” on the Annual Thesis/Dissertation Statistics sheet.
msk rev6/05; exd rev12/05rev5/06rev12/06rev2/07rev7/07rev12/07rev11/08rev7/11; ccm/jwd 02/15
Inputting Thesis/Dissertation Records into OCLC
The goal of this process is to export brief records of theses/dissertations from OneSearch, import them into OCLC, then upgrade these records to full level cataloging records. We receive metadata from ProQuest that we then upload into OneSearch that will be then imported to OCLC for the final touches to the full level records.
I. Export record from OneSearch
II. Import record to OCLC
III. Edit the record in OCLC
1. Open the imported record in OCLC
2. Apply appropriate constant data and delete unnecessary fields
3. Edit the record
Press combination keys “Ctrl-F3”
Call up the record by searching the save file #
Check and edit the following fields. Remember that OCLC format uses spaces around subfield delimiters, unlike OneSearch. It also uses end punctuation at the end of all fields except for 246 field and fields ending with parenthesis.
049 AFUH
This code will generate the location of Internet resources for the Millennium record after export
100 Author Main Entry
Search in Sierra and OCLC for author’s authority record, if found, use this
If not found, create an authority record on a workform using the information on title page and library transmittal form. Here is an example:
100 1 Uplinger, James Robert, $d 1979-
670 DNA translocation through a solid-state nanopore . . . , 2005 : $b t.p. (James Robert Uplinger, M.S., U. of Ark., 2005) ; submission form (Uplinger, James Robert, Jan 1, 1979)
Note: remember to put your initial and date created on the right top of the workform. For the authority record of a literature, put LC Call no. in the field 053. This can be done when the brief bib is created to decrease work at this point. Also, all new name authority records are now entered according to RDA. These typically follow the standard above in local records, but if they are to be entered via NACO into the national database, the cataloger should create those records.
In OCLC, fill in the author from the authority workform you made. For example:
100 1 Sanderson, Crystal Ellen, $d 1967- $e author
245 Title and Statement of Responsibility
Check if indicators are appropriate (1st ind. = 1, 2nd ind. = # of nonfiling characters). Don’t forget spaces on either side of $b, $c, etc., and the period at the end of the field. Pay attention to case sensitive and subtitle. (Usually “:” is a sign for subtitle.) Here is an example:
245 14 The waves are so high : $b stories and poems / $c by Margaret Pfaff.
690 Local Subjects
150 Dept.: Chemistry
550 Dept.: Chemistry and Biochemistry
667 Name changed in 1987/88 from Chem. to Chem & Biochem. Use Chem & Biochem. for theses 1988 and later
Note: some departments have changed name over time, make sure to use the right name. We also need to update authority records when case arises, to add cross-references and notes to reflect name changes.
150 Advisor: Adams, Glynn P
450 Adviser: Adams, Glynn P
6xx Subjects
Specify the type of 6xx (600, 610, 650, or 651) and fill in the indicators. Indicator 2 will always be 0.
6xx begins with a capital letter. Subsequent words within a subfield are not capitalized
Each subfield begins w/a capital letter: “Career development $x Moral and ethical aspects”
A summary for subfields:
$x for topical subdivisions: “Moral and ethical aspects”
$y for chronological subdivisions: “20th century:
$z for geographic subdivisions: “United States”
$v for form subdivisions: “Case studies”
There usually isn’t punctuation between subfields
6xx ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation (including a parenthesis) is present
To figure out the indicators look at the Library Transmittal form and ProQuest Submission Form, the author should have good ideas written down. If you need more help look at the Abstract. To check and see if what you chose works go to Edit control headings, do “all” or if only one heading “single”. To search by subject in OCLC, “shift F2” then search using LCSH.
050 4 Call Number
Fill in the call number as seen from similar OCLC or InfoLink records. Sometime subject headings has call number attached, another way is to assign call number is using the Correlations Search function of ClassWeb to convert LC subject heading to LC Class Number. The classification portion of the number goes in $a; the shelflisting part (including Cutter and date) goes in $b. For example:
050 4 HD5713 $b .R63 1999
Note: There are no spaces between elements in $a, but there are between those in $b.
Check the call numbers in Millennium to make sure they fit in system, adjust cutter number if necessary
4. Save the Record
kmk10/17/00;rev5/2/01; exd rev4/06rev11/06rev05/09rev7/11; ccm/jwd rev 02/15
Editing Thesis/Dissertation Records
After Publishing Online
T/Ds sent to ProQuest are digitized. Usually three weeks after delivering if T/Ds are submitted online, check if the Internet copy is available online. Here is how to check:
Once the Internet copy is available online, editing the bib records accordingly:
n 500 UMI ##-#####
This field records ProQuest Publication no., which is given when we get the records from ProQuest.
For example, UMI 30-37930
d 690 Text (Electronic thesis)
Local subject heading for all the theses and dissertations
y 856 41 %dd
(This is also given when we get ProQuest record but it is useful for when there is an embargo or a needed change)
|zFull text from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. |u http://0-gateway.proquest.com.library.uark.edu/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:
When a student chose embargo time (6 months, 1 year, or 2 years) to delay the online publication of the full text of his/her thesis, only the abstract is available online during the embargo period. Use a different note for these embargoed T/Ds:
Record under “TD Records Edited after Publishing Online” on the Annual Thesis/Dissertation Statistics sheet
kmk 5/17/02; dek rev7/08/04; exd rev4/06rev12/06rev2/09rev7/11; ccm/jwd 2/15
Theses/Dissertations Post Processing
This is only used when we have an archival copy (cotton paper copy)
When the archival copy is bound and returned to the Cataloging. We need to update the status of Lisas item records and add T/D numbers. In Sierra:
1. Call up the Lisas item of a bib record by scanning the barcode.
2. Change item status code from b (In Process) to o (Noncirculating)
3. Insert 099 field (local call no.) using Macro function: c099##T#2011, then add cutter number. Detailed instructions see the section below.
4. Change item location to “SPCOT” for Arkansas-related theses
Change item location to “SPCOD” for Arkansas-related dissertations.
5. Route the item as appropriate:
6. Count statistics:
Record under “TD numbers assigned” on the Annual Thesis/Dissertation Statistics sheet.
Assign Thesis/Dissertation Call Numbers (Local Call No.)
This can be done for the internet copy as well before or after creating the OCLC record
An example of T/D number for a 2005 thesis written by Kluttz, K. M.: T 2005 K68
The cutter number “K68” start with the FIRST letter of the author’s last name “K”, then the following digits “68” are determined by using the Cutter Table. Usually there are 2 digits, occasionally 3 or even 4 digits are used.
Notes: If a name has a SPACE in it somewhere (“de Silva”) or is a two-parter (Jimenez Cordova; these are often seen in Spanish and Hungarian names), 2 things:
De Silva, O
D417 (in which 4=e, 1=the space between “de” and “Silva” and 7=S.)
From our library homepage, go to Books--Library Catalog--Number Searches—Local Call Number, type the T/D number in the search box (e.g., T 2007 K68 or just T 2007 K). If the number conflicts with one already created, adjust the number. (e.g., if we already had “Klyburn” at “K68", then “Kluttz” should be “K67" or SOME number that will put “Kluttz” before “Klyburn”), Remember that the Cutter Table is here to help us but fudge when necessary. The goal is to make things file in alphabetic order, not to follow the table religiously.
kmk9/14/00; exd rev12/05rev12/06rev7/11; ccm/jwd 2/15
This section is maintained with a PDF, as all submissions are now electronic and no longer require shipping.
This section is maintained with a PDF, as all submissions are now electronic and no longer require ordering or invoicing.
Please select the link below titled List of Departments with Binding Accounts to view this item. The document requires a password to view.