Check the control panel for old versions. If an old version is found remove the old program using the 'uninstall a program' function before downloading the new version. Macros should remain if you are just upgrading. If you have a new computer and have a lot of macros, there are instructions on the OCLC website about where those macros are stored. <remind systems staff of your macros>
Download the Client from the OCLC website.
Trying to download the software to the server and loading it from there historically has not worked correctly. The programs seems to install, but does not work. You may use any OCLC authorization to download the software.
Open the client. Check to make sure the Authorizations and Export are set up under Tools>Options. Most people know their authorization number. Export options should be set up as an OCLC Gateway export. Create a new path, and choose OCLC Gateway export.
Then: Click on Tools>Options>RDA
Check those that apply to you:
Enable the RDA toolkit: Use IP authentication
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