StaffGuide: CONTENTdm Cookbook

Recipes for Metadata Entry for the University of Arkansas Libraries


Field Name: Creator(s) is the default. However, custom-tailored field names (Author, Photographer, Artist, Lyricist, Composer, etc.) may be appropriate for an individual collection. In such cases, prefer to use a term from a controlled vocabulary such as the list of MARC relator terms.
Requirement: Mandatory, if applicable
Repeatable: Yes  (See below)
Search: Yes
Hide: No
Vocabulary: Yes. Use Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF) record, if available. In the absence of LCNAF record, using a local authority file is preferable to on-the-fly entry.
Dublin Core (DC) Mapping: dc.creator
MARC Mapping: 720 $a (or if controlled vocabulary is used and person vs. organization can be mapped, 100/700 or 110/710)
CONTENTdm Data Type: Text
Dublin Core Definition: An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.  Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service.
UA Definition: Creator is the person or organization (entity) that has the primary responsibility for the overall intellectual, artistic, etc., content for the resource.

If the name is found in the LCNAF, enter exactly as found, including capitalization, spelling, spacing, punctuation, diacritics, etc. However, omit MARC subfield coding.

If the name is not listed in the LCNAF, consult the Authority Control appendix.

Names are normally given in the following format and should include as much information as is known: Last name, First name, Middle name/initial, and year of birth and/or death, separated by a hyphen. Include honorifics (e.g., Dr., Mr., Mrs.), titles, or nicknames only if no first name is known or if necessary to differentiate one person from another (e.g., Dr. Smith, Mrs. Frank Larson, Sis Johnson).

If there are multiple creators, list them in order of appearance in the item or in order of their importance. Enter them in the same field, separating each entry with a semicolon space.

In some collections, it may be desirable to distinguish between creators performing different functions, in which case separate Creator(s) elements along with clarifying element names should be used for each (e.g., “Author,” “Photographer,” etc.).

Note that to be entered in a Creator(s) field, persons performing either the same or separate functions must generally have equal responsibility for the overall content of the resource. The Contributor(s) element should be used for persons or entities performing secondary roles.

In the case of photographs, the individual photographer, if known, should be considered the Creator, while the studio should always be given in the Contributor(s) and/or Description fields.

If the creator is unknown, leave field blank, i.e., do not enter “Unknown.”

If necessary, explain the relationship of the creator to the item in the Description field, rather than using a parenthetical term in the Creator(s) field. Also use the Description to include an abbreviation for the name if considered useful for access (e.g., include CIA when “United States. Central Intelligence Agency” is used in the Creator(s) field).


Fisher, George, 1923-2003

Woolsey, C. (Claude), 1891-1989

McLeod, J. H. (Livestock specialist)

Ratterree, E. B.

Burnside, Margaret; Hervey, Polly; Sheeks, Winnie

Black Americans for Democracy (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville)
Revision Date: 9/26/19