StaffGuide: CONTENTdm Cookbook

Recipes for Metadata Entry for the University of Arkansas Libraries

Tips for Batch Uploading Single Items from a Spreadsheet into CONTENTdm

Note: For instructions on uploading compound objects, see the separate appendix pertaining to compound objects.

Prepare Spreadsheet and Objects

  1. Delete any extra rows in the spreadsheet so that the first row lists the Field Names.
  • Use the field name label, not the Dublin Core name.
  • Following rows contain metadata – one record per row.
  1. Make sure the order of the fields on the spreadsheet matches the order of the fields in CONTENTdm.
  1. Make sure the last column of the spreadsheet is the file name, ex. BADTimes197209p1-4.pdf.
  • Change the name of this column from “Identifier” to “Source."

  1. Save the spreadsheet as a Unicode Text (*.txt) file. See the appendix Tips for Encoding Transcripts & Spreadsheets for more information.

  1. Move all of the object files to be uploaded into one folder.
  • Object files need to be in a separate folder from the metadata spreadsheet.

From CONTENTdm Project Client

  1. Go to “Add Multiple Items” on left-hand side of screen.
  1. Choose Import using a tab-delimited text file and Browse for the .txt file.
  1. Choose Import files from a directory and Browse for the folder containing the digital objects.
  1. Choose Yes – you want CONTENTdm to generate display images from items you import.
  1. Make sure Imported Fields match Collection Fields.
  • Source (file name) maps to Object File Name.
  1. Click Add Items.
  1. Read import summary for any errors when importing.


6/23/14   A. Allen