Note: For instructions on uploading compound objects, see the separate appendix pertaining to compound objects.
Prepare Spreadsheet and Objects
- Delete any extra rows in the spreadsheet so that the first row lists the Field Names.
- Use the field name label, not the Dublin Core name.
- Following rows contain metadata – one record per row.
- Make sure the order of the fields on the spreadsheet matches the order of the fields in CONTENTdm.
- Make sure the last column of the spreadsheet is the file name, ex. BADTimes197209p1-4.pdf.
- Change the name of this column from “Identifier” to “Source."
- Save the spreadsheet as a Unicode Text (*.txt) file. See the appendix Tips for Encoding Transcripts & Spreadsheets for more information.
- Move all of the object files to be uploaded into one folder.
- Object files need to be in a separate folder from the metadata spreadsheet.
From CONTENTdm Project Client
- Go to “Add Multiple Items” on left-hand side of screen.
- Choose Import using a tab-delimited text file and Browse for the .txt file.
- Choose Import files from a directory and Browse for the folder containing the digital objects.
- Choose Yes – you want CONTENTdm to generate display images from items you import.
- Make sure Imported Fields match Collection Fields.
- Source (file name) maps to Object File Name.
- Click Add Items.
- Read import summary for any errors when importing.
6/23/14 A. Allen