Field Name: | Funded By |
Requirement: | Optional |
Repeatable: | No |
Search: | No |
Hide: | No |
Vocabulary: | No |
Dublin Core (DC) Mapping: | dc.description |
MARC Mapping: | 536 $a |
CONTENTdm Data Type: | Text |
Dublin Core Definition: | An account of the resource. Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. |
UA Definition: | A statement about grants or other funding received by the Libraries to support digitization of the resource. |
Usage: |
When outside funding is received, this field may be used to record information about the agency or grant providing it. However, the field is optional, and usage should be decided on a project-by-project basis. Consider whether such information would be better conveyed by a statement on the landing page for the exhibit. When a statement about funding source is to be included, use normal English punctuation, capitalization, etc., although sentence fragments are fine. Aim for conciseness. For any digital project involving the Libraries’ Development Office, consult Rachel Krest about the use of a donor statement and its wording. |
Examples: |
Funding for digitization provided by Arkansas Humanities Council. |
Revision Date: | 11/21/19 |