Field Name: | Suggested Citation (See below) |
Requirement: | Recommended |
Repeatable: | No |
Search: | No |
Hide: | No |
Vocabulary: | No |
Dublin Core (DC) Mapping: | dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation |
MARC Mapping: | 524 $a |
CONTENTdm Data Type: | Text |
Dublin Core Definition: | A bibliographic reference for the resource. Recommended practice is to include sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the resource as unambiguously as possible. |
UA Definition: | The preferred form of citation for the individual resource being described. |
Usage: |
For published materials, record the preferred form of citation using the format given in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. (or current), but omit italics where specified. For unpublished materials, include the following note: Consult the Special Collections Citation Guide at |
Examples: |
Stout, S. R. Feeding Arkansas Hens through the Winter. Extension Circular, no. 202. Little Rock: Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Arkansas, 1925. |
Revision Date: |
2/11/20 |