StaffGuide: CONTENTdm Cookbook

Recipes for Metadata Entry for the University of Arkansas Libraries


Field Name: Language
Requirement: Optional
Repeatable: No
Search: Yes
Hide: No
Vocabulary: Yes  (See below)
Dublin Core (DC) Mapping: dc.language
MARC Mapping: 546 $a
CONTENTdm Data Type: Text
Dublin Core Definition: A language of the resource.
UA Definition: The spelled-out form of the language of the item when deemed important for display and access.

For some collections, it may be desirable to provide a spelled-out form of the Language Code element, particularly when the collection includes materials in languages other than English. If so, use the optional Language element to assign terms from the MARC Code List for Languages, Name Sequence controlled vocabulary list ( Enter one name for each code to be listed in the Language Code element, including English.

Enter multiple languages in the same field, separated by a semicolon and a space. Enter names in order of their prominence, or if that is not applicable, in alphabetical order.

The following chart lists the names of common languages, along with their codes.

Common Languages by Name
Arabic ara
Chinese chi
English eng
French fre
German ger
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) grc
Greek, Modern (1453- ) gre
Italian ita
Japanese jpn
Latin lat
Spanish spa



French; German
Revision Date: 11/21/19