StaffGuide: Electronic Serials

Electronic Serials

Manually Editing Coverage

  1. Select FUNCTION: Coverage Edit
  2. Select correct database from menu on the left of screen.
  3. To adding a new title: Select New and enter the title, issn, eissn, start_date, end_date, embargo, url, and alt_lookup as appropriate. Copy and paste from Serials Solutions.
  4. To edit a title already loaded into database: Select the title from the list and enter the start_date, end_date, embargo, url, and alt_lookup as appropriate. Copy and paste from Serials Solutions.
  5. To delete a title: Select Delete Title. Make sure only the correct title is highlighted!
  6. !!!CAUTION!!! Do not Select Delete Resource which is located directly adjacent to the Delete Title button.


Coverage Edit


Coverage Edit