Title Changes
General Information:
When a title change occurs, it is necessary to complete title change paperwork, prepare the affected bibliographical records for the title change by inserting 9xx notes, resolve any issues related to online access for both the new and old titles, then send the title change paperwork to Serials Cataloging to bibliographically process the title change.
Note: To completely process a title change, the 1st issue of the new title must be available.
Upon returning from Serials Cataloging, the title change titles will undergo a review from eSerials (and/or print serials) to make sure that the title change has been completed and all the maintenance needed for the change has been finished.
Additionally, the if the title change involves a title with an order record, the paperwork will be reviewed by the Serials Accountant to complete any order record maintenance which may include moving the order record to the newest title, archiving the order record, etc.
Finally, the completed title change paperwork, once signed off on by all parties, will be placed in the Ready to File basket.
Title Change Origins:
Title changes, along with accompanying paperwork, can originate from Print Serials and be passed on to eSerials for completion, or title changes may only involve changes to online only resources.
Title Changes for Print Ceasing: If the print version of a title ceases publishing, but we will continue receiving the electronic version of the title, then a title change (from print to electronic) must be completed.
Types of Title Changes:
Title changes can come in a variety of types--from absorption of old titles, splitting of titles, merging of titles, general title changes (from one title to another), print ceasing moving to online, etc. Forms for the various types of title changes can be found in the Helpful Title Change Resources Box below.
Location of Pending and Completed Title Change forms:
The location for Completed title change forms can be found at:
The location for Pending title change forms in Alexandria is determined by the origin/status of the form. Once the title change is completed, the title change file will be moved to the Completed Title chg FORMS folder.
Title Changes
When a title change occurs, it is necessary to complete the title change paperwork, prepare the affected bibliographical records for the title change, and resolve any issues related to online access for both the new and old titles. Title changes can originate from Print Serials (example when a title ceases but we continue to carry the online version). Title change forms received from print serials may arrive in various stages of completion.
Below is the procedure for an online title to online title change, but the procedure is similar for many types of title changes.
Online title to online title change
Title Changes Returning from Serials Cataloging
Once a title change returns from serials cataloging, it must be reviewed by all the affected parties and signed off on.
eSerials will:
Questions about serials cataloging can be addressed to the Serials Catalogers via vLocal Note 999 QUESTION note.
Title Change going to Serials Cataloging:
Completed Title Change Coming Back from Serials Cataloging:
Publication Format: Print vs. Online
Bibliographic format type to be determined by the primary access available to the public.
Use print bibliographic record; add URL when appropriate.
Use online/electronic bibliographic record
Publication Format: Print vs. Online
Exporting a Bib from OCLC
You have found a Bib Record in OCLC that you want to export to Sierra.
Clean up the Bib record by doing the following:
The Bib has now been exported and readied for the procedure.
Bib Export for OCLC Overlay:
Sometimes batches of brief bibs from vendors will be loaded into our catalog. When this occurs, it may be necessary to overlay more thorough OCLC records onto these brief bibs. This is so that we don't end up with two records for the same title (one brief bib and another, more thorough, OCLC record).If you believe that the overlay procedure needs to be done for a series, consult with eserials for discussion and instruction.