Items can be sent to cataloging via several methods. These methods can be utilized to send information to other departments as well.
If you have hard copies of forms that need to go through cataloging (for eSerials this is most often an online drop form), the forms can be filled out and delivered to Cataloging via the “In: Work from Serials Basket.”
Cataloging work requests can be sent directly to catalogers via email. Be sure to list the title and bib number in the subject of the email and provide a succinct and direct report of the work needing to be done. When sending work requests via email, it is good practice to add to the bib the standardized 9xx notes that applies.
Example. v 993 SER PROC Add unpaid url; needs internet cataloged (Date,Initials) -> Sent to initials.
Most Serials related cataloging should be sent to Julie.
Serials monographs cataloging should be sent to Rose.
If sending a batch of records, you can use excel to create a list of the records (include bib number, title, and (if necessary) other identifying information) and then sending an email with the list attached to the desired recipient.
To send record bibliographic record in Sierra via email:
Open bibliographic record in Sierra, edit and save record you want to send
From Menu, select File, then Select Printer, then Standard Printer
Edit Select Email Printer from the choices.
Select OK
Enter complete email address, for example:
For 2 email addresses, separate with a comma, for example: ,
Select OK
NOTE: To actually email the record, you must now print the record by selecting the printer icon, using CTRL P, or using the print option in the file menu.
After the above procedure is completed, the setting will remain in place until you logout of Sierra or until you change it again (depending on your permissions).
To change setting to print on paper again:
Open bibliographic record in Sierra, edit and save record you want to send
From Menu, select File, then Select Printer, then Standard Printer
Select Local Printer from the choices.
Select your printer
Select OK
To print, you must now print the record by selecting the printer icon, using CTRL P, or using the print option in the file menu.
Using the Cataloging Create Lists:
There are 3 semi-permenant SERIALS CAT Createlists that can be utilized to send work to cataloging.
Sending Batches of Analyzed Resources to Cataloging
When checking in batches of analyzed electronic resources, instead of sending each individual title to Cataloging, it is easier to use the Create List function to add records to a list then, then notify cataloging that list x needs to be cataloged.
Note: Since cataloging often removes titles from the list as they work through them, it is often worthwhile to export the createList to an excel file to aid in reviewing the titles back from cataloging.
Access the create lists using Function: Create Lists
Select an empty list. Choose one that contains a max record amount roughly equal to the number you will check in.
Select the list >>Search Records.For Review File Name, use the naming convention your initials then the Series you are working on and needs cataloging
For the search range, have the record number correspond to the first title you check in. If you check in b3210008 then the search would read Start: b3210008 and Stop b3210008. >>Search
The search should pull up only that record. Now, you have your create list list started. With each analyzed title you check in, go to the create list window (it should stay open) and select the Add icon.
Run a search for the title you just added (copy and pasting works well).
When the bib comes up >>click on it>>Use Bib
The bib should now be added to your create list file.
Note: To remove a bib added to the create list record, select the bib you wish to remove then the Remove icon.